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Shout Out to Bloggers

Cute little weed, common centaury

 Reading blogs provides food for thought, new knowldge, or a chuckle to my day. I guess blogs have replaced the old daily newspaper as reading to go with morning coffee.

Today I learned from Gigi in Hawaii that my home state of Vermont does not require a degree from law school -- one needs only pass the Bar Exam. Certainly the exam is not a walk in the park and even law school graduates don't always pass it, but I had assumed a law school degree would be a prerequisite.

Only recently I heard that Kim Kardashian passed the Bar in California so I learned that CA did not require a formal law education, but I didn't realize it was the same case for VT. See, live and learn. And Gigi's blog is often very educational. She does the research!

I took one of those career aptitude tests in college. I had pretty close to zero aptitude for a law career. Fortunately, I never had my heart set on becoming a lawyer.

Jenn in Canada is a fount of information on north country wildlife -- tick to bears, all pass though her country setting and she she captures so much of it on photos and videos. This morning we were treated to a hummingbird in her tiger lilies. I spent an entire summer determined to capture a hummer with my camera but I managed to scare it away every time.

Miss Patti down in Arkansas wrote about computer glitches (trigger words for me!) She said she got lucky, but this is not the first time she has shared some technological or mechanic problem that some how magically resolved itself. I suspect she has witches gifted with true magik abilities in her family tree!

When I turned my computer on this morning a sign into your Apple account keep popping up. I had no interest in signing into my iCloud and my computer is a PC. It kept right on popping up after every hit on cancel so I finally put in my Apple ID and the password, which is never right even though I change it and save it and write it down every. single. time. To change it, I use the exact same password with the next consecutive number at the end. And of course I had to find my iphone and enter passwords and codes and sacrifice a goat but I got it done. No idea what it was about but it stopped the pop ups . . . for now.

My responese to Patti:

I believe that a benefits/cost (in terms of the aggravation) analysis would certainly reveal that all the technology has actually added negative value to my life.

So, for what they are worth, my thoughts for this morning. Happy blogging.


  1. I thought it was horrible when I learned that several states are waiving requirements for an degree in Education for teachers...and then I learned my own province allows exemptions to educational requirements for teachers in private schools. I'm not sure I'd want a lawyer without education either.

  2. That Kim was smart enough to pass the bar shocked me. Thanks for the shout out. I may have some handy spirits helping me cause I'm pretty certain it wasn't my smarts. I still think, for me, technology has been a positive. Sorry you have felt the negative total.

  3. I was wrestling with some technology problem this morning but I worked around it and now had to think hard on what it was. A little challenge now and then is good, but darn, when you want something to work, you want it to work!

  4. I too, enjoy reading blogs with my morning coffee. It is interesting to see different opinions on subject or useful info and tips.

  5. I have a mind for neither law nor computers. But I agree, as you've pointed out, we learn a lot from blogging!

  6. I didn't know that about the CA bar. Years ago a Univ. near me dumped my program for which there is a shortage and need for such professionals (Speech-Language Pathology) so they could afford to start a law program. Law degree program is still going strong though surely we have enough lawyers if even Kim is one. I do know one woman who was a real estate agent who completed the law program, practiced some for a short time. The next thing I knew she expected to become a judge but terminal cancer intruded before that occurred.

    1. Oh, my first degree and career was as a speech/language pathologist! I went on to get a post graduate degree in special education and finished out my career as a special educator. The speech/language background was extremely valuable though.

    2. I went back to Univ. mid-life for post-grad with my undergrad Speech-Engiish B.A. to get required Master's to be SLP. Also completed certification to become itinerant in schools; special grad. certification in reading, math., eng.; additional certification to work with children who had severely disordered language. Ironically, I evolved almost from the beginning after licensing and getting my C's into the medical field working mostly in hospitals, CCC'c, LTC primarily with adults. Interesting how our lives change.

    3. I meant to add ... my best friend here who also during her mid-life became an SLP when I did, came from a special ed teaching career. She said her background in special ed was extremely valuable and I could see that in our classes together where so much was totally new to me.

  7. Thanks for the plug, much appreciated! As for Kim, I read that she took online law courses at a law school, don't remember the name of it. Don't know if she graduated. She may be a smart lawyer, but I don't like her taste in men. Ugh! LOL.

  8. Sacrifice a goat! I laughed out load.

  9. I've learnt a great deal from other bloggers and especially from Arkansas Patti, she always makes me smile too. That's an added bonus!


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