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Monkey See, Monkey Do

Okay, Linda Reeder.  Okay, Arkansas Patti.  Yours is NOT a club I wanted to join.  But I did anyway.

Bike meets car; face meets pavement.  Olga meets EMTs, gets ride to ER, meets nurses, doctors and X-ray technicians, and friendly police officer who issues a citation for negligent bike riding.  Not pretty.  So very not pretty.

Are you ready for this?

Yes. I was wearing my helmet. Plenty of bruises and swellings, but no broken bones, no concussion.  

I will take it easy for the next few days, but first order of business is to go out and purchase purple eye shadow.


  1. OMG! Thankfully, you were wearing a helmet. (Looks like you might need goggles and a mouth guard, too.) A citation? You've gotta be kidding me! Olga, I hope you have arnica (Arnica Montana - homeopathic - get the cream or gel though the pills work, too). I told Patti about it. It really helps with bruising. Go get some at a health food store (not on your bike). PS Bob says that officer must have been hard-pressed to write a ticket!

  2. Oh my goodness! I hope you heal quickly. So glad you were wearing a helmet!

  3. Oh, Olga, how terrible for you! Wait...YOU were cited? Why? Please take it easy and heal quickly!

  4. Oh my, what a terrible misfortune. Although you are bruised, I am so glad it wasn't any worse. Yes, purple eye shadow will be perfect, and what a trend setter you are, as purple is the color of the year. And maybe some big shades!!! (((hugs)))

  5. How awful! I hope you heal quickly. You were cited? Why? Were you on the wrong side of the road? lol

  6. So sad and I am so sorry this happened. How did you get a ticket? You look painful. Hopefully you will be better with time and hopefully this will not put you off biking forever.

  7. OMG, I am glad you are OK! I can't believe you got a ticket! You mentioned concerns over your last bone density test -- glad you came out of this with nothing broken. BTW -- purple is in!

  8. The ticket adds insult to injury! So sad. Take it easy!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  9. Good Grief, it is an epidemic and I don't think there is a vaccine. Yikes girl, you and Linda sure went for color. That looks so sore!!!
    You were cited?? Can't believe that cop. He must have been desperate for citations. Do take better care.

  10. Wow! Glad you aren't completely SQUISHED! While you're at the cosmetics counter, better get some green and yellow eyeshadow, too...that baby's got a lot of changing to do before it's gone.

  11. Cannot believe you got a ticket.
    I hope you feel better soon and heal quickly. Relax for a few days and think nothing but happy thoughts.

  12. Ouch! that looks really painful. I got off with dramatic color but very little pain. Also no ticket :-/
    The purple is fading around my eyes, but that knot on my forehead is still there and still dark purple. I'm now choosing to ignore how I look.
    So sorry you joined the club.

  13. What???? You got a ticket? Seriously? That's ridiculous! As if your pain was not punishment enough for goodness sake. I'm very thankful you were wearing a helmet. Negligent bike riding? Sheesh!

    1. My husband just added that the ticket was insult to injury.

  14. Oh my goodness, good thing you had your helmet or I suspect it might have been much worse. But a ticket, seriously?

    Take care and get better soon.

  15. Oh Olga. This makes me sad on so many levels. I'm glad you had a helmet on, and I'm glad you had help right away. I can not believe they gave you a ticket. With all the falls among my friends, I think I will just stay inside for a bit.

    Do take care. Get better. And, as I told Linda, go buy a big pair of sunglasses.

  16. Nice shiner! Thank goodness you were not hurt any worse. What is the deal on negligent bike riding? What, did you sprawled body represent a navigational hazard to other riders?

    Damn woman, wrecking on bikes is a young person's sport.

  17. This is no way to start the new year! Please take care of yourself! I am so glad you were wearing your helmet but what is the story with the ticket? On a positive note I noticed your hair looks very nice.

  18. Oh, my God, how awful. I am so glad you were wearing a helmet, Olga. Lucky there were no bones broken. Take care!

  19. Yikes! Glad you survived with nothing major, and hope you heal up soon. I do believe that biking is just as dangerous as skiing.

  20. Oh, Olga! I am so sorry this happened. Sending you hopes for a speedy recovery.

  21. Oh my God, Olga! I can't believe this you poor thing, I'm so sorry. I have some thoughts about what you could do with that citation..... xoxo

  22. Somehow I missed this post and did not realize you had this bicycle accident. A few years ago I also wrecked my bike and injured my knee. I took weeks to heal and I can feel you pain. Not just the physical pain but the embarrassment. Now I only ride my stationery bike. Bless your heart. I am so sorry this happened.


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