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Borderline Hoarder


It's too late now, but I did tell Don that had I known of his hoarding habits from the beginning there would not have been a second date.

I am far from a minimalist, but I am also completely nonsentimental. My first husband never quite got over the fact that I got rid of our daughter's baby cradle -- something she slept in for maybe a month and then later used for doll storage -- when we moved from our first house. He brought it up when I took very little when we divorced.

My late husband was definitely a collector, but of very specific items. It all went to auction. He had everything catalogued and pretty much ready to go knowing none of it interested me on its own merits. He called it our retirement fund because collecting (buying and selling antiques) was also his business.

Now there is Don who struck me as a man of very simple needs when I first met him. I never got a tour of his storage units and all his valuable stuff. I was clueless until he moved in a year ago. By then he had already wormed his way into my heart.

He now has three storage units nearby, but some things made there way into my condo.

This was once my dedicated craft room. (I am not showing a picture of my current craft area with its 1000s of dollars worth of my art and craft stuff because I am not the hoarder!😇)

He is sorting through. These jeans came out of a storage unit to be sorted:

Notice some have tags, never worn.

Here are the sorted boxes of jeans (50+ pairs) that will be sold:

I'm betting the ripped and worn ones will bring the $$.

There are three large boxes of donations.

Don asked me why I was taking pictures so I told him he was the subject of a blog. "Oh, so now I am being used for entertainment. Well, I hope you change the names to protect the innocent!" So I told him I would redact.


  1. LOL! Oh my, I don't think I've owned that many pairs of jeans in my entire life. Books and craft items I can understand.

  2. Oh my, this is too funny! I wondered why you had a line through his name. That's your version of redacting? You had me laughing. BTW, my house is clutter-free. I am not a hoarder.

    1. You definitely have a clutter-free space. It must be so relaxing.

  3. Love the redaction effort! I'll try that the next time I mention my wife in a blog.

  4. I've seen stores with less jeans than he has--or had. I too was wondering about the line out through his name. Ha ha, love your redacting efforts.

    1. I made the same comment about less jeans in stores!

  5. This is so funny. My husband is not quite that big a collector, but he DOES collect weird things and hates to throw stuff away. I am sentimental about soooome things but not like him. Ah well....

  6. LOL on the redacting.
    And yes, I would say HE is pretty much a hoarder. That would drive me nuts, so congratulations for putting up with the "stuff" invasion. Maybe now sorting and selling can be a new hobby.

  7. I think it's inevitable that a hoarder ends up with a clutter-free type, just like the person who's always hot ends up with someone who's constantly cold. Life is strange.

    1. Oh, we have the hot/cold thing going as well.

  8. Oops! That Anonymous person was me (Kay of Musings).

  9. I think you're correct that the torn jeans will be the ones bringing the $$$.

  10. The more mature my husband and I get, we have started to go thru our collections and eliminate. However, I must say my husband is much like a MacGyver and I don't mind when his 'stuff' saves the day!! :)


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