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Maderna or Fizer?


😠Morning News:

FBI investigating Vermont State Troopers for creating fake COVID-19 vaccination cards

Wait. What??

First of all, how sketchy does one have to be to be part of a market for fake vaccination cards? If you are against vaccination have the courage of your convictions!

Second, there are always those with intent to take advantage of the gullible. Even if it means resorting to something criminal. Many get away with it but they all thing that they will be the ones who do.

Third, we pay to train and employ police to protect us from those who choose to engage in criminal behavior. So is it money well spent?

Not always is what I conclude.

Don't cry to me about respect for the badge. It's the person who wears it that either earns respect or not,


  1. With fake vaccination cards, stolen identities, fraudulent unemployment claims, etc., it seems there are more crooked and immoral Americans than ever before. Maybe not, but it sure seems so.

  2. There have been several arrests of individuals who come to Hawaii with fake vaccination cards. It is so ludicrous.

  3. There is always someone who is prepared to circumvent the rules and those who are willing to aid them. I understand there is a cost to purchase these fake vaccine cards, and yet the vaccine itself is free. A fool and his/her money?
    As for those who are selling them, especially those who are tasked to uphold the law, ought to be held accountable.

  4. Sure takes the "safe" out of vaccination cards. Any more it is hard to trust anyone.

  5. We are now demanding proof of vaccination in many places to enter, places like restaurants and stadiums and even large outdoor events. Some places offer an option of a recent Covid test. So how does getting a test again and again make more sense than getting a shot. Oh, I see, nobody can tell me what to do. But we are. Vax up or stay home. And I'm sure we are creating a market for false cards too, but as you said, how does that make sense.

    1. Yep, punish the young and healthy - people, who if they get covid, get over it without any problems - for being young and healthy. Yep, i see where this is going.

  6. Yep, 41 million+ cases and nearly 670 thousand deaths (young and old) punished by death. But apparently "Love Thy Neighbor" through responsible behavior just doesn't apply if it involves personal sacrifice.

  7. You spelled 'Moderna' wrong. Also, check over your post. Lots of misused words. For example: "Many get away with it but they all thing that they will be the ones who do." It's not 'thing'. It's 'think'!
    The world has always been corrupt. We're just seeing it for the first time because the coronavirus has drawn back the curtain. There's no more propaganda to deceive us. If people are left to their own accord, they will always choose evil over good. Religion used to keep people in check. Now that the world has mostly turned away from 'God' they reap what they have sewn.

  8. This is the one thing that I agree with conservatives on and that is that the more money is spread around, the more ways to corrupt the process.

  9. I spelled moderna and pfizer incorrectly on purpose since that is one of the ways counterfeit vaccine cards have been identified.
    How's God's sewing machine working out for you in those planting fields?

  10. I laughed. I wonder if God's sewing machine is powered by soler energy.

  11. 😂 Yes, I knew you spelled Moderna and Pfizer incorrectly on purpose. There was a case in Hawaii recently of a tourist coming in with a fake card. They caught it because they spelled it Maderna.

  12. Too often, the police and the crooks are two sides of the same coin. Public safety has MANY meanings; vaccines fit right into that category, wouldn't you say?


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