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New Plan

 I was actually seriously contemplating a permanent move to Florida.

Change of plans.

I will stay in Vermont, where obviously I belong. 

Not having a place in Florida will free me to travel more and I would like that.

By the way, the bright blue state of Vermont re-elected our Republican Governor Scott with 70% of the vote. He has handled the virus extremely well and didn't even campaign. 


  1. Happy to know that your state has handled the virus well. I am afraid Oklahoma cannot say the same. Our totals are among the highest.

  2. I guess Vermont is where your family and boyfriend live, so no brainer about selling the place in Florida and residing in Vermont. Great idea!

  3. As a former Floridian I would chose Vermont. Love snow and don't miss hurricanes. A republican governor in a blue state?? That means he must have done a good job.

  4. I think you've made the right decision for a myriad of reasons.
    Take care, stay well.

  5. Patti, he did a good job by never downplaying the seriousness. He did not mandate masks until mid summer, but he always urged people to do the right thing and he always wore his mask. He treats people like adults who can make informed decisions about taking care of self and others. Dr. Fauci said Vermont was the model for the nation in terms of dealing with COVID.

  6. Well, I would certainly choose Vermont over Florida!
    Welcome home.

  7. I thought Vermont was solid blue. He must be a good governor!

  8. Vermont would take precedence over Florida i my mind, too. Sounds like a good choice for you.

  9. Tom, This is our governor's third term and he won decisively. He is a Republican in the old mold who has said publicly that he did not vote for Trump in 2016 and would not vote for him in 2020.

  10. Yeah to staying in VT!! Yes the winters are not quite as nice but Florida is a cluster. Besides when we can ever travel again you can visit warm places in the winter, like Hawaii, Fiji. :-)
    I like that your governor had the balls to say that. Besides Mitch Romney, there are no republicans with a set to stand up to Mango Mussolini.

  11. We will continue to split our time between Washington State (deeply blue) and Arizona (getting there, hopefully). Good that you have made a decision that feels right to you.

  12. Hubby would love to live in Florida. I have no desire to even visit there. Too much traffic. Too many elders. Vermont is a lovely state and winters will be milder due to climate change.

  13. I agree with everybody. I would choose Vermont too. It's too spooky in Florida with all those hurricanes getting worse and worse. I'm glad Vermont has a governor (Republican or Democrat) who chooses to listen to science.

  14. I'm afraid Trump has the Texas governor in his back pocket. There is no such thing as the virus down here.


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