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Bits and Pieces

Road work has become the bane of summer although it is certainly badly needed around here. Vermont winters are not kind to streets and roads and where I live now is no longer the acres and acres of dairy farms that it once was.  And infrastructure has not kept up with the population and the number of cars using area roads.

The road work at the end of the development drive forces one lane traffic and goes through the night. Eventually the widened road with turning lanes and traffic lights should relieve some stress. In the meantime, noise and slow going
 . . .  we put up with it.

I made a trip to Boston -- lots of road work along the way too. I went for a doctor's appointment. I had a laser procedure that straightened out my badly out of alignment septum last December. Yesterday the doctor zapped remaining swollen tissue that is expected to shrink down over the next few weeks as a result.  Finally, free breathing should be fully restored. I have to take an antibiotic and use saline rinses for a week, but it was a completely painless procedure this time and I am convinced I can already tell the difference in a good way.

I did happen to think to ask the doctor if I would now be able to lay on my back without the feeling of choking on post nasal drip. He said, "No that's something different." So he stuck a camera down my throat through my numbed out nose and immediately diagnosed reflux disease, which made perfect sense once I read the symptoms.  It did not make me happy, but in the grand scheme of things I can't complain. It hasn't progressed to the point of damaging my esophagus.

One of my friends fell in her kitchen and shattered her hip. I have other friends my age who are dealing with far more serious medical problems that do impact quality of life. So I am going to consider myself lucky that I can take a pill and then go about my daily activities.

I had a nice visit with my son over a tasty dinner the other night. The event was marred when his front tooth broke though. He has a triangular chip (hard to make a lasting repair) in that tooth from a punch to his face while he was resisting an attempted robbery/mugging years ago. He has always had a very certain sense of right and wrong which is not a bad thing except he thought he could point out the error of his ways to the burly would-be mugger. Things we learn the hard way.


  1. I keep waiting as I age for the other shoe to drop. My time will come as will my husband's where we have to slow down and admit our age is limiting what we can do. They have been working on the road at the end of our street for weeks. They work at night and the rumbling is soannoying.

  2. Two years ago I had a doctor stick a camera thru my nose and down my throat, because I had chronic sore throat and some chest congestion. He thought it might be acid reflux, or maybe post nasal drip, or maybe allergies. He couldn't tell. I tried some Zantac, then some Allegra, but neither one helped. Luckily, it eventually went away on its own, but this fall it seems to be back. Can't decide if another doctor visit is worth the trouble. Sometimes I think they're miracle workers; other times it seems they don't know what's going on.

  3. Yes, Olga... those of us that have gotten this far in life without major illnesses that affect our quality of life are ‘very lucky’ indeed. I try to think of most of the ones I’ve had (BC, migraines, chronic cough) as inconveniences - But perhaps I’ve become complacent. This new back problem has definitely upped my compassion.

  4. As you said, worse things could happen. Sorry about your son's tooth. I guess he needs a dental implant.

  5. I have a deviated septum that has affected my breathing for 60 years. Didn't know it could be cured via lazer. I will check into that. Thanks. So sorry your son's badge of courage broke. Perhaps an implant like gigi suggested would be more permanent.

  6. I see an implant in your son's future - not fun! Glad you are getting your body fixed and will be able to resume your normal life. Yes, I'm very conscious of aging - I just took a fall which could have been worse but sidelined me for awhile. It makes me more tentative thinking that I could have broken a hip.

  7. OMG on the tooth. I have the nasal drip that chokes me at times. I did not know it was from reflux. I'm going to have to research that but not today. I'm not ready for something else to go wrong with my body. LOL. Next time I'm feel really chipper I'll research it!

  8. What a brave son to do that in the first place. He is lucky it was only his tooth I suppose. I was in great health until my 60's. They just did a dexa scan and thankfully my bones are in great shape and I should not be falling and breaking a hip. My ortho told me most women break their hip and then fall. Not the other way around. That is what makes them fall to being with apparently. I found that interesting.

  9. A fellow got his car stolen, their only means of transportation, old car with nothing in it..The person who took it beat the daylights out of him now he lost his job for a car worth about $200.00! He said from the hospital I wished I would have just let him always figures life out after a brutal experience oh, the thief who took the car also hit another fellow and sped off..I hope his Karma catches up with him..Sorry your son was assaulted, scary world!!! Hope you are doing well!!!!!!!!!

  10. The car only was worth 200 hundred dollars tops..I felt so badly for the fellow he even lost his job to boot..One in life has to endure lots of you know what..I ended up in the hospital over what I thought was a tiny pimple oh, my goodness sakes this happened sept 1 2019 I still have to go to the wound clinic and my bottom hurts all the time..I am 71 and as the older I get one thing after another happens, I try to keep my spirits up but it just doesn't seem fair at all, considering some people pass away I keep my mouth shut and thank god I am among the living~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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