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I Don't Understand

Oh, dear. The Spector of Socialism is freaking people out (mostly Republican people?) -- Bernie Sanders (well he claims to be a Democratic Socialist but he has money!) and AOC and other freshman Congress people -- what is this country coming to??

And yet . . .

It's pretty clear that the Russian government interfered with the last presidential election. Now I am old enough to remember the cold war years and how it was clear that the Communists were our enemies and not to be trusted.

Maybe I felt that more keenly than some because my mother was Ukrainian, a part of the USSR when I was growing up. I remember a well meaning neighbor suggesting she tell people we were Polish because she knew a Polish woman who was very nice, but it definitely was not okay to be Russian. (Not a lot of diversity in Vermont in the 50's and 60's.)
And even though I was little I must have picked up some vibes of the McCarthy era from my parents' watching the news. My father made no secret of his intense dislike of Dwight Eisenhower (a personal thing from the war) and I distinctly remember having the fear of men in suits who might knock on the door and take my parents away.

So I really don't understand the complacency (mostly among Republicans?) around this issue of foreign interference in our election process.

It's okay to put people coming across the southern border seeking safety and a better right into lock ups but let's not say anything about an outright attack by a foreign government. And also let's pretend that our government never interfered in the politics of those south of the border countries either.

I really just don't understand.


  1. I don't think anyone with an ounce of sense does understand.

  2. It is amazing and a bit uncomfortable what some seem to accept as OK these days. We are truly in head shaking times.

  3. Well said. As you know I'm Canadian (we have our issues too with polarizing political views), but I can't understand the complacency either.

  4. I think it it has something to do with tax cuts, massive deregulation of corporate America, and packing the courts with conservatives. They are going to ride that gift horse for as long as he can run. You might think of it as filling the swamp with orange algae.

  5. Russia might be guilty of that, but I don't believe in mind control at all. If someone tells me to vote for somebody, it doesn't mean I have to.

  6. I'm curious, why did your father dislike Eisenhower?

  7. This is so complex, many should think deeply as you do, Olga. We are all just people.
    I just watched Bridge of Spies, you are right about the Cold War.
    The labels are horrid. Socialism, communism, fascism. If it is socialist to care for one another; share the wealth by fair taxing; provide food, clothing, and shelter to those who have not; well then, Canada is that country. Surely it is our responsibility, with all the multmillionaires in the world.

  8. I like it when you talk political.:-)

  9. There are a lot of younger people, from the 50s and younger, who don't remember the threat from Russia our generation grew up under. We had bomb drills in schools, what to do in case of an atomic bomb - like crouching under your desk would help! We were taught to watch for high-flying planes that left vapour trails (pre-passenger jet age). And during the Cuban Missile Crisis, we all worried we might be living our last few days. And at Trump campaign rallies and speeches since I've seen signs in the crowd saying; "WE LOVE RUSSIA". There are different ways to win wars. And interfering with a country's election is a very good way to do it. Put a candidate in who will do as you wish, and you have accomplished your objective without ever firing a shot.


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