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State of the Union

I did not listen to the State of the Union Address.

I have a strong visceral reaction to the sound of certain voices and I choose to avoid that unpleasant reaction.  Then, too, I didn't expect anything so earth shatteringly new and different that I could read about it in the paper in the morning.

I have seen the photos of jubilant mostly old white males and photos of stoney faced Democrats.  I've seen graphics of the fact checks.  And, not that I have looked that hard, but I really haven't seen anything about what was actually said.

I guess I conclude that pretty much nothing was said.


  1. Only 3 years to go before his term as president ends. Then, some other jerk takes over. That, my dear, is politics. Bah.

  2. He is weirdly different when using the teleprompter. I have a theory that they give him some calming medication (whether he knows it or not) so he does not get too stressed trying to read the words. He is not a good reader and his reading pace is incredibly slow while he sometimes stumbles over words and his emotion is much softer than normal. No proof, but I really instinctually believe this.

  3. I like what Tabor said. It does seem like he's drugged when he has to behave himself.
    Prefacing his immigration "policy" with the story of the death of two teenage girls at the hands of an immigrant gang was despicable, and seeing their parents being used in such a way was hard to watch.
    I watched some and listened to most, and played solitaire on my laptop during part of it to keep myself from having to look at him or get too involved.
    There were lots of "people" stories, clumsily done, and the whole thing was l-o-n-g, with very little actual policy. There was plenty of red meat for his "base".

  4. I wasn't home - I was at a presentation of the IRC (refugee agency). But if I had been home, I wouldn't have watched. I have read and seen enough.

  5. I couldn't force myself to watch. Life is too short to get riled over what you have no control over. Just 3 more years.

  6. I too did not watch it. Sadly being in the DC Metro area our local news is national news and so I have taken to only looking for the weather and change the channel. Lately even that is not done - it's winter, it's cold, I don't need to see the news. It was all lies and I am certain a bunch of "like very very good" or "like very very bad" and other articulate phrases. lies, lies and more lies. I watched HGTV fluff and was quite happy. :-)

  7. I didn't watch it as well. According to the Washington Post, he only told 18 lies. Amazingly low. So presidential!

    I saw an opinion somewhere that we have an extremely low bar for Donald Trump. All he has to do is read from a teleprompter and the media will gush how presidential he is and that the pivot is finally here. Fear not he will soon tweet out the true feelings of the Orange Lord.

  8. I, too, didn't watch except for excerpts on the news. As a Canadian I sometimes feel I'm watching a slow train wreck but somehow or another 45 manages to disengage before the impact. Like others have posted, one does wonder how his handlers manage to keep him on task. He certainly doesn't when given free reign to his Twitter account.

    And yet, there his base still believe every word that comes from his mouth. Fake news indeed.


  9. I watched most of it. I was curious. I'm surprised he didn't screw it up too much.

  10. No way was I going to watch that. A hafl way decent spich a couple times a year does not a president make. I read a summary, but I simply cannot watch him speak.

  11. I watched and it was terrible. I can barely tolerate his voice or his hand movements or his entire persona, but I watched. He used people in ways that I found so disturbing, just as Linda Reeder said. Also, it was so long and dull that I just kept saying to my husband, “When will this be over?” I doubt he listened to others about sticking to script because when does he ever listen? I think he must have been drugged.


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