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I see "hacks" all over the place.  I am not entirely sure what the word means now.

A group of taxicab drivers?

The chops I make at wayward limbs of growing shrubs and vines?

Precocious users who can break into computer codes and cause havoc?  Probably the current popularity of the term derives from that.  The linked article is where I found this definition:
Hacking might be characterized as ‘an appropriate application of ingenuity’. Whether the result is a quick-and-dirty patchwork job or a carefully crafted work of art, you have to admire the cleverness that went into it.
I was wondering about this after seeing news about the company Samsung making an announcement about their new refrigerator.  It is designed to provide its users with "life hacks" throughout the coming year.  This thing is tricked out.

It has a huge screen and touch pad.  You can display family photos or leave messages--gonna put magnets and sticky notes right out of business!

It can track your family's eating habits, or so it claims.

It takes a picture of the contents of the fridge every time the door is closed.  Here's the good part -- you can access the pictures on your smart phone.  You know, in case you are at the store and wonder, "Did those darn kids use up the last of the milk today?"

Five thousand dollars.  I am not spending that kind of money because they have some serious perfecting to do.  That's my guess.

Now, when the refrigerator can respond to a man's question (Honey, do we have any mustard?) with "Yes.  On the second shelf...behind the mayonnaise...move the mayonnaise jar," then I will be impressed.

That would be an appropriate application of ingenuity!


  1. Haha. This is such a cute post. No, I would not buy such a fridge.

  2. Or respond to the teenager's comment "There's nothing to eat in here!" with some wisecrack, now that would be fun. What is funny is the radio show hosts I listen to in the morning were discussing this very same appliance. I suppose it has its place, but not in my kitchen. :)

  3. Ha ha! I saw that commercial too, and I wondered "What?!" But I didn't have nearly as much fun with it as you did.

  4. I can't even imagine wanting my diet tracked! Before I want a computerized refrigerator, I just want a reliable Internet service!

  5. Hey Olga, I'm a Casting Producer and I'm casting a NEW tv show that is going to document women becoming grandmas for the first time. Email me so I can give you more info on this show that you could share with your readers

  6. Cute post.
    Ok, I have totally lived too long. I don't even have a smart phone so I am light years away from a smart refrigerator. Here I was hoping for a cute robot to vacuum, dust, mop and maybe do windows and instead the creative ones put their brains into building a tattle tale refrigerator. Sigh.

  7. $5000 to purchase and how long is the warranty? Can you imagine what the repairs would cost? Yikes! Thank goodness the space in my kitchen won't allow for a big fancy refrigerator!

  8. $5000??? I just spent about $800 for a fridge. I don't think I would spend more than that. It sure sounds like fun though.

  9. That is way more money than I am willing to sped on a fridge! Like Kay, I spent $800 on a new one last year and it took me weeks to recover from that expense! Yikes!

  10. Oh, gosh! That's a hoot! Our friges don't even have a freezer in them!


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