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Clearing Out and Cleansing

Here is my life lately: Clearing out the excess stuff from my house and eating.

While I usually try to maintain a healthy diet, with the stress of selling, buying, moving, I have slipped into a pretty mindless pattern of snacking--a lot--on some not so good for me stuff.

The yoga studio where I go to practice was offering a Ayurvedic fall cleanse. Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that may be somewhat controversial.
However, the idea that stress affects the gastrointestinal tract, leading to poor digestion, in turn leading to imbalance and eventual disease, makes a certain amount of sense to me.

The cleanse was put out there for those who are feeling stressed and overwhelmed (check), fatigued (check), unfocused (check), and constipated (check +).  Since Metamucil has recently become my beverage of choice, I figured that this was something I really need to do.  I am on a cleaning out roll now in all aspects of my life!

The theory is that eating a diet of easily digested foods allows the gut to reset.  Herbs help detox the liver.  The digestive tract can work more effectively so the body can derive optimal nutrition from whole foods.  Energy and mental clarity return to normal.

So, I have tapered off coffee and replaced it with dandelion tea.  No bottle of wine in the house.  Lots of green vegetables, beets, carrots, and apples.  Apple juice and lemon juice.  Pepper, cinnamon, fenugreek, turmeric, ginger.  Yesterday, I started the four day preparation phase of the cleanse.

So far, so good.  I found that the dreaded "green smoothie"--zucchini, celery, green beans, chopped and steamed then whirled in a blender with parsley and spices--and something I could never be able to sip out of a glass while thinking "smoothie"--is actually quite palatable eaten warm out of a soup mug while thinking "soup".

Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck. I have not had issues with digestion unless I overdo on coffee in the morning. So I guess I am lucky. Hope you get that digestive clock reset!

  2. Good job, Olga! I'm in your court, and eager to see how things turn out for you. :)

  3. Well, if it helps you, then it's good. Time will tell.

  4. There is not one bad thing in that approach. We should all do that as a way of life. Like renaming the smoothie to soup to make it go down easier. Keep up the great work.

  5. Hope it works. If it does, maybe I will try it.

  6. That actually does sound like a pretty good soup, Good luck with the cleanse - hope you're feeling healthy and less stressed soon.

  7. I wish you so much luck! I hope you really feel better for it. I like your idea of thinking of it as soup -- I am just not into drinking my greens -- I would much rather eat them! Hope this works!

  8. I had to read back, Olga, to get more info on your cleanse. I totally believe the gut is the gateway to health. I choke down a green drink about 5 mornings a week - it tastes like what I assume grass clipping sludge would taste. I hold my breath when I swallow it! That said, it "moves" through my digestive tract quickly and has millions of probiotics I'm sure I wouldn't consume any other way. My immune system still seems strong. I also try to stop eating food after 7 PM and do a modified fast a few times a week when I don't eat solid food the following day until about 10-11 AM. I'd be on board with your fast, but Bob definitely wouldn't be!


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