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Heck of a Bargain

I went into Claire's in the mall the other day to buy some nail polish for my granddaughter.  I bought some sparkly green and some purple.  While I was picking out the colors a clerk-in-training came over to tell me that there was a promotion going on--"everything in the store is buy one, get one for five dollars."

I thanked her and smiled to myself, thinking that was not such a great promotion when I was looking at an item that cost $4.50 each.  I made my selection and went to pay.

The newby clerk rang up my purchase and then she turned to the guy who was training her in complete dismay.  "It didn't ring up $5!?!"  We both simultaneously pointed out that the price was only $4.50.  "But that's sooo confusing!  You said it's buy one get one for $5."  And the lightbulb just did not come on at all.  Good grief.

This is another kind of snarky judgement thing I try to keep myself away from, but...

I just heard about Donald Trump making comments about Carly Fiorina's face.
Now he claims he was talking about persona, not looks.  I don't know why we should give him the benefit of the doubt on this, but, fair enough, I would not vote for her based on "persona."  

This is what kills me though...because Donald Trump has a history of remarking on women's looks...does he actually believe that he is all that attractive?  Does he own a mirror?  I think that here is a case where money clouds the vision.


  1. It's all about show and not depth. How shallow Trump is.

  2. I don't understand where The Donald is getting these supporters....surely they can't be women?

  3. I don't understand where The Donald is getting these supporters....surely they can't be women?

  4. AS R.E.M. pointed out, it is a side show signifying nothing. A shame that basic math is no longer understood.

  5. Possibility those clerks are Trump supporters. That is one scary man.

  6. Common sense isn't very common is it? You have to wonder how someone made it through school and can't understand that $4.50 is less than $5.

    I'm grateful not to be from the U.S. when I watch anything with Donald Trump. I have to assume as you've suggested that he believe his money makes him attractive to women. Apparently it's working, at least with some.

    1. Here Here Olga! If Trump wins the election..... my household is going to learn French and move to Canada!!!

  7. That is a weird sale - buy one, get one for $5. Maybe the clerk didn't get it because it was a dumb idea.
    Trump is enjoying himself ever so much with all this attention. He is a shallow media whore.

  8. My theory is that the people who say they support Trump (or most of them, anyway) don't take him seriously. They're just sticking their finger in the eye of the political establishment. To me, the rise of Trump is more an indictment of the American media. He's duping them into taking him seriously, when no one else does.

  9. Oh my, the clerk is a good example of what is wrong in this country. You'd have to be a little less bright than the average bulb to even consider Donald Trump as President.

  10. Claire's always has some kind of BOGO promo going on to try and get you to spend a few more dollars and I am pretty sure that same trainee works at the Main Place Mall, too!

    As pr Trump it continues to amaze me that people support some one with such an inflated ego that he thinks he will never do anything wrong to apologize for. I find him lower than pond scum.

  11. Your 'bargain' experience reminds me of a recent trip to the pharmacist - 'Buy two for the price of one'. The sales assistant was pointing out this great deal to me but she should have checked first. There was only one left in stock. (Who starts this promotion with an odd number?)

    1. That happened to me once. Vitamins were advertised as buy one get one free but only one bottle was on the shelf. I asked them for a second, which they did not have so I asked for the one bottle at half price and they gave it to me, but not very happily.

  12. The bargain reminds me of a tale my friend told me. He was having a garage sale. A guy comes up with two items. My friend wanted 10 bucks for the one item and 5 for the other. The guy cocks his head, scratches his chin and puts on his best Arab bazaar look and says "Well how about I give you 20 for both?" My friend replied "Sold!" The guy left with that satisfied, I just made a killing look.

  13. That was so funny about your clerk and Sextant's. Good grief! I wonder how long she'll last.

    Donald Trump is such a clown. I can't believe he's got so many people actually taking him seriously. And yes, he needs a better mirror and glasses... one that isn't rose colored.


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