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Ready to Go

Busy week, getting ready for my trip.

On Tuesday,  I went to pick up my son for an appointment we had a 11 a.m.  I stopped at the stop sign just before turning onto his road and what should I see?


No.  I saw blue and red lights flashing.  A giant Christmas tree all lit up on the lawn?  No, again.

Two fire engines and two cop cars, cones in the road, uniformed men scurrying around.  Just what one wants to see immediately in front of one's son's house.

I called him on my cell phone to say, "I'm here...outside...what the hell!?!" Then I saw that there was an SUV at the far side of the lawn into the trees.  The tracks went from the road across quite a large area of snow covered lawn, barely missing a telephone pole and a culvert in the process.  The woman who was driving was not seriously hurt, but I am sure she was scared witless.  She told my son she thought the brake line had frozen.  It was twelve below zero with a wind chill of more like minus 28.

After the appointment I went to the pharmacy to pick up my prescriptions and I checked my blood pressure.  It was very high.  I went home to meditate.

Yesterday, I went to visit the grand kids and my daughter and to deliver their presents.

As you can see from the flash that is my grand son, he is quite excited.

So when I got home today, I thought it would be quiet and relaxing.  Quiet, anyway.  I was flossing my teeth when, to my distress, a crown popped off.  My dentist retired about two years ago, and since then there have seen three different dentists go through that office and all the support staff change over as well.  But they did get me right in to re-cement the tooth and they did a quick cleaning.  This was a set back to my day's plans, but nothing I couldn't work around.  I did not go and check my blood pressure though.


  1. How wild! You sure do lead an exciting life. Lol. I don't envy the business with your crown, though.

  2. "Scared witless" is one way of putting it, not the way I would have had I been the driver, it would rhyme though.

    Is it not amazing that when you are running tight for time, cars wreck (fortunately not yours) crowns fall off (unfortunately yours) and life just seems to add one time consuming drama on top of the next. Well sometime tomorrow you will be in the sun and away from -28 wind chills and snow. Have a good trip.

    1. This is a family friendly blog! Arrived to 80 degree temps although they say it has been "cold" with night time temps in the 50s--gasp.

  3. Oh my goodness!! No one wants to see emergency vehicle lights near a child's home! Sorry you had the crown problem but glad you weren't on the way to Florida when it happened. Your daughter has such a lovely tree! I would not want to be in that wind chill though. Have a safe trip!

  4. My life's motto -"Nothing is ever simple". It seems you handles the unexpected complexity with aplomb.
    When do you leave? What means of transport?

  5. I saw on the news tonight that they are raising the blood pressure limits for those over 50. Maybe you'll be in luck and not have elevated BP!!!! All kidding aside, seeing emergency vehicles in front of your son's place would set anyone into a panic. Have a safe trip, and I hope warm weather awaits you. Merry Christmas to you and those who are dear to you.

  6. Hope you have a better day tomorrow! Have a wonderful trip!

  7. Hope you had a good day visiting all your lovable ones and giving them the present. Make yourself cool to reduce the pressure. Your grandson looks so active.

  8. Yikes. What a scare but happy no one, nor even the house, was damaged by the runaway car.
    I guess you might be airborne by now and heading for the warmth of Florida.
    Glad you got to enjoy your Christmas early. That is what I did also.

  9. Bless your heart. I have stopped checking my blood pressure. It seems anxiety attacks are around every corner and cannot even begin to imagine what seeing emergency vehicles around my children's homes would do to me. Plus my dentist too has retired and I have no idea what I will do now. All this Christmas candy might test that need sooner than later. I wish you safe, anxiety free travel and a wonderful Christmas.

    1. I blame the crown popping off on flossing because that is what I was doing at the time. I am quite sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I sampled some cashew brittle I had made for folks at the library the night before.:))

  10. Just when you think you're going to get out of town without a hitch, you don't!

    Safe journey, Olga.

  11. I am sure the driver was terrified but I'm betting you were almost as scared when you saw all of that in front of your son's home. You have certainly had an eventful week. I hope you have a safe trip. Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  12. I can't believe after all that your crown pops off. Sheesh! Talk about when it rains, it pours. I hope your blood pressure has calmed down and that meditation is working. Sending you a hug from Hawaii, Olga.

  13. Oh my goodness, the driver was very fortunate. I'm sure her family are grateful it wasn't worse, especially at this time of year.

    I hope after all of the scares and frustrations and you get to your destination your BP is back where it needs to be.

    Safe travels!

  14. You have been busy with one thing and another!
    Cheers from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  15. Those events would raise one's blood pressure! I hate dental problems at Christmas. It seems it never fails that I crack a tooth or something. My brother-in-law was my dentist, so all would be well. He retired, we moved. I certainly hope I have no mishaps. My husband did the same thing as you did a few weeks ago. Thankfully, he has a dentist. I have yet to find one.

    Stay calm. Have a Merry Christmas.


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