I have to admit this: I am really, really bad about this whole idea of blogger awards.
And it makes sense. I was the person who always, always broke the chain letter thing. I just could not bring myself to follow through.
Snail mail and, therefore, chain letters are a thing of the past. But I still get the e-mail equivalent: I will get $$$ and good luck in just twenty-four short hours after forwarding to 20 of my closest friends. Well, even worse is those that say if I fail to forward to 20 of my closest friends, bad luck will befall me and all those I hold dear. I don’t want to believe that stuff, but it still bothers me so greatly that I tend to hit delete before getting through the whole message. What I don’t know won't hurt me.
Now, awards are a different thing. Who doesn’t like to get awards? Bloggers pass around awards and I have gotten a few and I think, in a Sally Fields kind of moment, “Oh, you like me!” That feels pretty good. Still, I am vaguely but clearly bothered by the stipulation of passing it on. I don’t know why, but I am. I do believe it has something to do with that whole chain letter thing—like I will somehow be imposing on those I choose to award.
On the other hand, I get the part apart sharing interesting blogs, getting the word out, and encouraging a wider readership for worthy bloggers. I think that is a good thing. So I am conflicted.
Have I now shared at least seven random facts about myself?
I have received two awards in the fairly recent past. Connie of Family Home and Life nominated me for a Versatile Blogger award and Meryl of Six Decades and Counting nominated me for the Reality and Shine On award. I am thankful. I am honored. I am humbled. I am so very passive aggressive about passing these awards on to others.
So here is the thing. I am checking out the blogs honored along with my own for these awards. I will very likely add some new blogs to my list. I am suggesting that any of the blogs on my “Blog List” are really worth checking out even if I fail to specifically nominate them for an award. And that list does not even come close to listing the blogs that I follow in Reader and elsewhere, but I hereby promise to give them a shout out as time goes by.
I am living with myself on this!
I feel exactly the same way!and you can't trust me with a chain letter either.