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paint (2)It is time to think about packing up and returning to Vermont.  Wednesday was spent on yard work—weeding where needed,  shaping up some of the bushes, and rearranging some garden borders.  We had a local guy come in to do the spiny plants and we have a neighbor signed up to stop by once a day and pick up any fallen grapefruit.  Thursday will be dust and polish, vacuum and mop—generally tidy up the inside.  Friday we will do laundry, clean out the refrigerator, pack.  Saturday morning we will be good to go after a few closing up details are accomplished.

I will have to catch up the new television season when I am back in Vermont.  I won’t be sitting out in the evenings watching sunsets and stars and moon risings, chatting with the neighbors strolling by. I just read Linda Reeder’s post about her SMART television.  My television in VT is not a smart one, although it sometimes gets the best of me.  I can use the on-demand for shows I miss and I have the ROKU devise hooked up for Netflix or Hulu+.  Actually, I prefer watching on my own schedule.

If I tried to get my ROKU hooked up to the Florida television, it would ask me why I was trying to attach it to a rock.  It is a vintage RCA from 1990.  1990!  They just don’t make them like that any more.  I mean they really don’t make them like that any more.
DSCN2146  No ethernet port on this baby.

Mike and I together cannot move it even an inch.  It works fine.  Mike did buy himself a new TV last winter because he uses closed captioning and he watches more than I do/different than I do.
DSCN2053Not a giant screen, but fits in a corner of the office room.  Antiques Roadshow is one program we watch together.  And we did watch that crazy fall through the sky last Sunday.

Looks like another beautiful day.


  1. Wow! Someone else in the world with a TV as old as mine! I am not sure what all that other gobbly gook you talked about is. I basically have one requirement for a TV, a good functional off switch. Sometimes I have nightmares that I can't turn the TV off.

  2. Our TV looks something like that. We just don't watch often enough to make anything fancier worthwhile.

  3. Oh my, that Florida visit went quickly! I laugh at the TV story because we have an older model in our bedroom for "sports." Yeah, that really happened. Now he just uses it to check the weather! But we still call it the "sports tv."

  4. So aren't you spending the winter in Florida? I suppose you may be heading back for the festive days?
    We only have the new versions and I hate that they are two way. They can be used as a monitor to see what's up at your home!!(Net Nanny cam)
    When I hear unwanted clicks I shudder to think who's at the other end. Cable guy??

  5. I thought you went to Florida for the winter? I do remember something about a short trip and then a later trip. Is that correct?

  6. Since I've been unable to master the remote control on our TV I seriously doubt a Smart TV would work for me. That's okay, I don't watch TV anyway. Hope you have a good trip back home.

  7. We have an equally old and equally heavy TV! One of these days I am going to get all of the devises to work from the master remote so I don't have to use 3 different ones all the time! Someday! Travel Safely!

  8. I wonder if I will ever get to missing watching television?

    I thought you'd be in Florida now until spring. No?

  9. Looks like you will be going from sand and surf to snow. Will you stay through the holidays before heading back to Florida? I can't imagine missing all of winter, I do like my seasons.
    Right now I'm enjoying watching Seattle Seahawks football on my big tv, except that right now my team isn't doing so well. That's why I have my laptop over, reading and commenting on blogs. I do love technology. After the game I have some DVR'd programs to watch, as well as a regular Thursday night show. I confess I am tv watcher.

  10. Nice, amusing post -- 1990 doesn't seem that long ago to me, but I guess it is in electronic years. We have one (relatively) new TV and one old one -- we keep the old one b/c it has a tape player, and sometimes we want to watch an old tape.

  11. Yes. I thought the whole idea was to wait out the Vermont winter. No?

  12. I just read the weathermen don't know what kind of winter it will be here on the East Coast, looks like they are having trouble forecasting it. Hope you TV will be up an running well with one remote for it.

  13. Gotta love the oldies but goodies!

  14. Happy trails. Look for those puff balls!


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