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Mopey Monday

Mike has gone off to the beach this morning.  I will give that a pass for the rest of the week, but he doesn’t seem to be as sensitive to the red tide and smell of dead fish.  My stomach lurches at the thought.

We cleaned shutters and windows this past weekend.  The shutters on the shady side of the house were badly mildewed.  After a few attempts to get it off, we ended up using a product that attached a spray bottle at the end of the hose.  It contained bleach and it worked, but boy, did I suffer all day yesterday.  Renewed commitment to my homemade cleaners and respiratory masks if I ever attempt that again.  And, I am staying away from the red tide.

Last night was one of those toss and turn and fling pillows around the room nights.  I never woke up for long enough to have to get out of bed, but it was NOT a refreshing night’s sleep.  Probably related to chlorine poisoning (over dramatic?).  Earlier this summer I was having nights like that and I read somewhere (most likely not in a scientific journal) that it could be a sign of an overly acidic system.  The remedy—a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water before bed.  I will have to remember that before bed tonight.  Good old baking soda.  If only it would remove mildew on window shutters.

I see that other people have had active, productive weekends.  I need to give myself a shake and go DO something.  Enough whining! 


  1. I, too, steer clear of chlorine bleach, and my husband handles all of that type of cleaning. If you find a home made cleaner that accomplishes the task, please share. Continue to enjoy your stay in FL!

  2. Watch toxins! They may be necessary but make sure you cover up and wear a mask and then leave the area until the bleach oxidizes. I had not heard about acidic system for sleep deprivation. I do on RARE times take an aspirin and it does seem to help.

  3. You must do what you have to to take care of yourself. But I hope you found some fun to lighten up your Monday.

  4. You know, I think that bleach would have done me in also. I wear a mask when I work in the dusty basement. If I don't I can't breathe. The dust brings on an asthma attack. Do whatever it takes to care for yourself.

  5. Yikes, be careful with the bleach. It seems counter-intuitive, but lemon in water also combats acidity (and tastes good too).

  6. A teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water would give me a toss and turn night for sure. Just the idea would give me nightmares. You are never unproductive for long, so I'm not too worried.

  7. I've found that using bleach in my ceramic sink can cause headaches, so I try not to breathe it too much.

    I have to ask... what is your photo? It may be just me, but I can't tell what it is.

  8. I don't see it as whining so much as venting!
    We all have those bad times. They make the good ones incredible!
    I've been ill, too. On Friday grandkids are coming. Gotta rest up!!!!
    Cheers from Cottage Country!


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