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Sunflower Days

Related to my last post...the feeling that summer is ending is much less of a moodiness trigger now that I have been retired for several years.  I always had trouble readjusting my routines both at the beginning of the school year and then again at the end of the school year.  Now the changing of the seasons just reminds me that time marches on and I am getting older and then I am over it.  I appreciate that my time is pretty much my own at this phase of my life.  I am aware of the passing of seasons, years, and yet can feel like I am much more in the moment.  It was the right thing for me.

I have just finished reading Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese.  I found it to be a very satisfying book--much like a well-prepared meal paired with the appropriate wine.  It's a long book, over 650 pages.  The fact that the story did not tax my attention span speaks volumes.

Lately, my list of books to read has grown quite lengthy.  That's another thing about retirement.  The time will fill up.  I honestly don't remember how I got tings done while working eight hours a day.  I do remember I usually managed to get dressed before 9 a.m. though.

I am thanking Betty at A Piece of My Mind for letting me know that copying a recipe is not generally a copyright infringement.  Which reminds me, I am still talking names of anyone interested in Pass-the-Book's
A Homemade Life.  Just leave a comment.


  1. I a wondering about Cutting for Stone. I love long books so I may give it a try. Thanks.
    I am opting out of the pass the book but know who ever gets it next will enjoy it.
    I wonder if all this heat will have an effect on leaf color this year. Right now, we have a lot of dead and distressed trees. Some mountains all ready look like Fall with browns and yellows.
    Arkansas Patti

  2. I also have wondered about "Cutting for Stone." I am about half way through three books right now, so I will not start a new one for a while.

  3. Yep, like a said, retirement makes the changing seasons better.
    I don't know much about "Cutting for stone". I'll have to look into it. I have seen it listed often.

  4. I never dreaded going back to school because I loved teaching. But I did hate the feeling that the summer was gone, and I hadn't finished half the things I had intended to get done. I still have that problem.

  5. Just before I got up this morning I was thinking about how fall feels right around the corner, and how GLAD I am that, even though I'm still working, I'm NOT going back to SCHOOL! The mere thought of that school smell . . . disinfectant, chalk, floor wax . . . makes my stomach cramp.

  6. It has been unsettling for me as school resumes this year, my third as a retiree. I miss my junior high students terribly but not getting up at 4:45 and all the meetings and grading. When my husband retired three years go, he had a sudden, life saving quadruple bypass. When I retired two years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer - so retirement has been challenging. Taking turns caring for each other was very satisfying. I also have a new - year old knee replacement. We have painted and wall papered some rooms during the long winter and will fit in some trips round the mid west this fall. I love being able to read with no time constraints. Many members of my book club loved "Cutting for Stone." Mary in Missouri


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