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New Scam

 This is a new one for me in my run of being lured into the world of scams. I am "rewarded" for my business at all different stores by gifts and cash that I only have to click here to receive. Then there are the ridiculous high ticket items that I "ordered"  but if that was somehow a mistake I can contact just the person who will help me put my credit card right again. So helpful!

Now this. I got a package in the mail containing a three months supply of weight loss gummies and an invoice for $171! Don, are you trying to tell me something? These are nothing I ordered! The charge was already showing on my credit card, which I checked on right away.

Don looked up the company. Amazon sells these but it is nothing I ordered. Interestingly, it doesn't appear on my Amazon order history. Something didn't pass the sniff test.  I called my credit card number and told them a.) there is a fraudulent charge on my account and b.) close down my current card and send me a new account number. It was taken care of in no time, but GEEZ! 🗯


  1. this is an odd one. I had fraud once and it was video games from Walmart. At that time I had never been to a walmart. 2nd we don't play video games and why if stealing from me would you send them to me? I got it fixed very quickly like you but it's so damn odd. Glad you got it all worked out.

  2. What a nuisance! I'm glad you were able to get it straightened out. Sadly, there are far too many of these scams/schemes out there. If the perpetrators worked as hard at real jobs as they do at these activities.

  3. What a waste of time and effort to make things right! We do watch charges carefully - seems nowadays scams are the norm. Happy Holidays, Olga.

  4. Wow that is a new one. I've had all the false offers or supposed purchases but never a delivery. Yikes.

  5. You almost lost some weight, or the weight of your money, but that is an excellent catch. Linda in Kansas

  6. Terrible! I wonder how this could possibly happen?

  7. Wow! That is so weird! This reminds me to check on my account. It's so spooky these days.

  8. That's a new one to me too. So far all of the scams have not cost me any money, but it sounds like that could change.

  9. I've had phone calls and texts asking me to confirm a bogus amazon purchase, but I ignored them and nothing ever went through. Your experience is scary. Good for the credit card company for covering you. Sometimes we take banks and credit card companies for granted (and they do try to kill you on their interest rates) but by and large they are a miracle of the modern world.

  10. I watch my accounts closely. So glad you got your concerns taken care of so quickly. Happy Holidays to you and yours.

  11. Several years ago I received three emails from Walmart that three cell phone orders were placed, and would be ready for pickup soon. The store was in another state, and I did not place those orders, but I had placed a Walmart order online recently. I immediately cancelled the phone orders, got a new credit card, and never used a credit card for an on-line Walmart order again. So glad I had placed email alerts on my account! Deana

  12. I had a similar thing almost happen. I ordered something and immediately the bank contacted me and ask if i had made a $171 purchase instead of a $30 item. They immediately closed my debit card. I had to wait 2 days to go to the bank and I about died knowing I did not have a debit card. Of course, I had no real money in my wallet but I did have credit cards so I don't know why the panic but obviously I had become addicted to and feel lost without, my debit card.


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