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Football Playoffs


My grandson's high school football team made it to the semifinals for the state. He is JV and of course at that level it was the Varsity A team that got field time, but I went to cheer them on.

Of course, I know nothing about football so it was kind of boring. I have seen Hershel Walker campaigning and I wonder how any one could possibly vote for him. But I even more wonder why anyone would think football is a perfectly acceptable activity for growing youth. I spent my time cringing at every tackle and pile up. And why white uniforms? Good grief. Why not just make them brown to begin with?

Anyway, it's the other team that will advance to the final so my daughter will be very happy that the season is over. High school football proved to be a life-consuming endeavor for Dane and Amy.

I was taken aback at the very beginning -- before the teams took the field. There was a very long caution to both players and fans about good sportsmanship and how speech and behavior that was in anyway derogatory, hateful, or mean to players, officials, or anyone else based on race, ethnicity, gender identification, and so on would be cause for the game to be stopped immediately. Kind of sad that we can no longer just assume civility but have to take measures to enforce it.

I was sad until I saw one of the line coaches sporting one of those man buns. I'm sorry but I find it ridiculously hard not to laugh at those.



  1. Dane and David have football in common. I guess it's a male thing. Testosterone and lots of it.

  2. Congratulations to Dane and his team. Their season may have ended early but making it to the playoffs is a wonderful achievement.
    I agree, civility should be a given. Sad that it is not.

  3. Congrats to Dane --and mom--for making it to the playoffs. It is sad that civility is no longer a given but at least glad that the ground rules are stated clearly for those who hadn't gotten the message.

  4. It's hard for grandmas to see kids get hit. It's hard for all of us to have to hear civility warnings. It's such a worrisome sign of the times. Politics has permeated sports.
    On the other hand, I am looking forward to watching our Seattle Seahawks play football in Arizona this afternoon. I guess that's compartmentalization. :-(

  5. Well I'm with you. I have a great disdain for football and it's "culture" and I feel the same about Man Buns. NO!

  6. I high school I was pro football and really into the game. Even as a young mother I did not think about the violence in pro-football. Now, I do not watch any football games at any level. Women's soccer is a sport I can get my mind around.

  7. I know just what you mean about football. We're on the same page with that. I hope my grandsons don't do football. I would worry all the time. My son was into running, baseball and swimming which I was happy with. He did soccer for a while and broke his toe. So... not much contact sports after that.

    And Hershel Walker? I think people who vote for him are voting for the devil just to get their party in.

  8. I fought my son when he was young to keep him out of football. He did play soccer and loved it because he had endurance on the field. He still misses the fact that he didn't get to play football and I nod like I might have been wrong but internally, I'm glad I did it.


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