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So Do the Grandchildren

 I don't have a yet recent picture of my grandson -- and I really should have one to go with this post. 

I was in Florida from mid-October to mid-May. When I left, Dane was almost as tall as me, but not quite. There was the occasional crack in his voice.  When I got back . . . he has shot up to 5'9". That was a growth spurt of 4 inches in six months! His voice is deep.  His face has enough peach fuzz to shave once or twice a week. 

He will be finishing up his final exams to complete his freshman year in high school this week. He did well in all classes. He was in advanced placement for science, math, and social studies, which I think was amazing for coming off a year of online schooling with all the concern about lags in learning. (Moment of grandmother bragging -- indulge me)

It occured to me that he is old enough to get his learner's permit, although he has not as yet.

I really have to get on changing the pictures on the side bar.


  1. Oh my, that is a lot of growth in a short period of time. Well done Dane - getting such good grades is a testament to his work ethic. You go right ahead and be proud Grandma!

  2. Wow, seems like yesterday he was in grade school. Think I am as shocked as you. So glad however he is doing so well. Be proud lady. You had some say in those genes.

    1. We really don't know about the math ability and where it came from. He looks way too much like the rest of the family or we would suspect he had been somehow switched at birth.

  3. Very worthy of bragging! Being so studious, he may not get his Driver's License for a while. The top gal in my 1000 kids of my high school graduating class didn't learn to drive until she got out of medical school, shortened by a year. Linda in Kansas

  4. Dane is amazingly smart especially coming off online learning. He just has a high IQ, that's all. My 14 year old granddaughter finished 9th grade and is in Honors Math. She gets her Math ability from her mom and grandfather, who both were Math majors. Me? I am a dunce and cannot do 1st year Algebra! LOL. Gigi Hawaii

  5. We referred to that age as the giraffe stage, all arms and legs and neck, as they shoot up before filling out. So fun to watch them grow and change.
    It is very OK to be a proud Grandma.

  6. They do grow up fast, don't they!?! Congrats on his advanced studies ... hopefully those smart younger kids will save us from ourselves!

  7. Wonderful he’s doing so well. What a growth spurt! Grandmother’s have a right to brag..

  8. I remember my son growing at that age and how he used to come to me with talk of his legs aching. Poor little guy. Four inches in six month is so much.

  9. Your Dane and my KC are alike. They both just finished their freshman year. And yes, what a shock that she is now the same height as me. I have not seen her in person in almost 3 years. They are visiting from Chicago right now for 3 weeks.

  10. It is unbelievable how our grandchildren are growing so tall. In my family it is mainly the girls. All getting close or over 6'. Your grandson will be a basketball star for sure.


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