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 My condo association does encourage owners to garden in the back of the units. The association maintains the front plantings and neighborhood volunteers take over for those who don't want to garden or who no longer are able to do so. I like to keep it very simple.

I did not have much interest in the exterior of the condo for the past two years. I was dealing with my neighbors plumbing problems -- a major toilet back up that flooded my ceiling and an exterior pipe break that necessitated the digging up of my portion of sidewalk to replace. It took two years to get the ceiling repaired. I suppose we can blame COVID but frankly I blame the property management company for a variety of reasons -- mostly their complete lack of response to any of my attempts to contact them for information. Well, it is fixed now although the underlying problem still exists, and we will all have to trust neighbors to not use anything more plush than Scotts tissue -- and certainly not any kind of "flushable" wipes,

The sidewalk was torn up over the winter of 2021 and Don had to deal with that mess while I was in Florida. It was repaired in the spring but this winter one of the new cement slabs sank -- probably lack of adequate preparation -- I'm sure the cheapest bid rather than any experience/skill. So now an older slab is an inch and a half higher, causing a tripping hazard. I have pictures to send to the property management company but I am sure that it will take maybe a delivery person hitting the ground and suing to get anything done. I am walking on the lawn.

I've tripped over this a couple of times. I'll continue to walk on the lawn around it.

Anyway, I did feel like making some small effort to the outside of my place. It was the fragrance of the lilacs that bloomed out this weekend.

I cleaned off the deck and weeded, then mulched. I put out some potted plants and called it a day.

By the front door.

Shady place to sit along the side, 

Insuring that there will be pansies growing in the lawn for years to come.

Spiders took over the inside during a long empty period. Spring cleaning will occupy the coming rainy week. But Sunday is a day of rest -- that's what my mother always said!


  1. I'm so sorry you are dealing with all this. I was wondering if spray painting the hazard with neon spray paint and even writing DANGER on the sidewalk would get their attention? Or would they think that solved the problem. I would not be a happy camper.

    And all that mess with the ceiling? Unreasonable that you had to endure that. I swear, smoke would be coming from my ears 24/7. Somehow you have created a lovely and beautiful back garden despite all these distractions.

  2. Can't believe they are ignoring the trippin hazard. Hope it doesn't take an injury to get action. Just awful at the time it took to repair your ceiling.
    I like your plantings, especially the fragrant lilacs.

  3. Sorry to hear about your sidewalk, water and landscaping issues. I thought when you owned a condo all your problems were solved, or at least all the ones outside. I guess reality is always different from the fantasy. Hope the mgmt steps up soon!

  4. I remember years ago hearing often , "It's hard to get good help these days." Now it is apparently hard to get anyone to give a damn.
    Maybe your flowers will help.

  5. The outside of your place is indeed tidy and I do hope that all the "community projects" get fixed! It is always hard owning property jointly. I do worry when it means vast sums of money many be required such as the terrible problems with the high rises in Florida when maintenance costs got to expensive and they thought they could postpone safety!

  6. I love Lilacs. They do smell so good and are lovely to look at. I can't remember how big Lilacs grow but you might have a great shade tree for your cute patio.


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