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Dry Skin

 I can't say that I am a particularly brand-loyal shopper. I try different brands depending on what is available or what has been heavily advertised (I hate to admit) or what's on sale. When it comes to body lotions, I have found that I like Gold Bond for effectiveness and Nivea for texture.  Recently, though, I grabbed Dove because it was right there on the end aisle at Walmart, and I was too lazy  busy to go looking for the other brands.

Mistake! I really, really don't like it. I don't like the way it smells. I don't like the thick sticky feel. I don't like the way it coats my skin taking too long to absorb.

This is what it looks like after rubbing and rubbing. It took a full minute to sink in and disappear -- then left my skin feeling like a wax injected cucumber!

I wouldn't mind so much if my skin didn't feel dry and itchy within hours. Maybe I can use it for shaving lotion or maybe I can mix it with some oil? Maybe I will just go buy some trusty Gold Bond and consider it a lesson learned.


  1. My preference is Aveeno (and not because Jennifer Anniston is the spokesperson in a number of ads). Like you, I did purchase Dove once and found the same issue - it seemed to leave a greasy residue and was goopy.

  2. I've noticed too that some brands are just like glue. One well-preserved lady, older than I, told me her trick: after a shower or bath, dry off and simply put on baby oil. Brand X or Johnson & Johnson has been fine. I do use a regular lotion before putting on socks for the day, and on my hands, arms and elbows. Suave, Brand X aloe soothing lotion does fine and isn't sticky. I hate how the plungers don't let you get the last of the lotion in the bottle. I literally cut the plastic and use the last 2" as an open plastic jar in order to use the last of the lotion. Linda in Kansas

  3. Just give it away and stick to what you know and like. I like Aveeno. I buy it at Costco.

  4. We swear by O'Keefe's Working Hands (in a green cannister) or L'Occitane Creme Mains (in a silver tube).

  5. Ouch, thanks for the heads up. I will pass on that one. I have found Suave Moroccan Infusion(bought at the same place as your Dove
    really disappears into your skin and feels great.

  6. Good tip as I was about to buy some moisturizer for my body this weekend. I will avoid this one for certain.
    Homeless folks love receiving these if you are so inclined.

  7. I don't think I've tried the Dove, but I rotate whatever is on sale and I haven't found a favorite. My skin is so dry, but I really do not like the feel of skin lotion. Damned if I do and double damned if I don't.

  8. We use Dove for sensitive skin bath soap and like it fine, but I use Aveeno for moisturizer and love it. Our dermatologist recommended the Aveeno.


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