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In the Yard

 Rabbits and chipmunks -- little point in trying to grow a few vegetables for myself but we all need to eat

A rainbow from my front door

The condo association did a walk around and decided these over grown arbor vitae that are impinging on exterior walls have to go. Also they are annoying the gas meter readers. And then they plan to replant arbor vitae, which I don't quite understand. Is there a variety that won't be back in the same situation a few years down the road?

I hacked away at the rhododendrons.

The landscape committee planted these hydrangea in the front of many units. They only seem to blossom around the bottom of the shrubs so they are scheduled for replacement sometime in the future.

I finally got around to washing the door that leads to the back deck. It was filthy with bird suicide bomber smudges.

But the indoor potted plants seemed to thrive in filtered sun that came through anyway.

I don't remember seeing so many mushrooms on the lawn.
I wish I knew which are edible but I have to assume all are not unless I see them in the produce section of the supermarket.

Although as a child I used to go with my mother and pick them in the woods.
She would cook them and we all survived.
Sadly, this is lost knowledge.

The sun is setting earlier and earlier. There is high altitude smoke from the fires out west even this far away. My heart is heavy for all those at the epicenter of fires and floods right now.

My heart is heavy for all those who cannot believe the science of climate change.


  1. I have peel on and off stickers for my patio door to stop birds from hitting it. Have you tried those? I will add that the earth has been warming since the last ice age, before this warming began, ice covered much of Europe, Canada and the USA.

  2. How fun to visit with you in your yard! Most hydrangeas only bloom on old wood, so if they get trimmed regularly, they won't bloom.
    The smoke was thinner today so we risked it and went for a walk. It was only a mile and a half, but that's about all I can do. I am not getting more mobile after my surgery. Stiff back and stiff hips are hard to overcome, but if I don't keep moving I might not be able to.

    1. I will pass that information on the the committee because they do come around and cut the hydrangeas to the ground in late fall.
      Yes, keep moving as best you can. It has to be so hard for someone used to being active so I hope things improve bit by bit.

  3. I had one of those evergreens in our yard in Illinois too. It was small when we got it and just got into monster size. It's so hard to find the perfect plants to grow next to the house.

  4. I recently had to have some shrubs chopped down when they over took my guest house. The guy working for me asked--"What are those? I want to make sure I never plant any."

    1. It is difficult to find plants that play nice sometimes. VT has a number of invasive plants that have become quite problematic. At least one I know was widely used as a landscape shrub. It's kind of like exotic pet snakes and iguanas that are now loving Florida Everglades.

  5. That seems odd to re-plant the same plant that caused issues previously. Maybe the maintenance is easy so they figure it will be someone else's issue in 10 years or so.

    My sun room windows seem to attract the birds, so I've put up those stickers. I'm not sure they help much as I still end up with injured or dead birds several times a year.

    Your indoor plants are lovely! Take care and stay well.

  6. I like your indoor plants which seem to be thriving.

  7. I have a little kokopeli on my sliding glass door so I don't run into it! The birds still have trouble.


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