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Who is that masked man? Just some observations . . .

 I have noticed a change in mask wearers lately. Back in the spring it seemed that a lot of people were wearing masks to the grocery store but no one made eye contact with anyone else -- almost a feeling of embarrassment about wearing one. I think it's a good thing that most reasonable people are wearing masks still, but even better that we have started greeting others again.

Masks have become a fashion statement. Is there a retail operation that has missed the opportunity to sell masks? I don't think so. And cottage industries are popping up everywhere. There are already Halloween themed masks out along with the candy and home decorations.

 Will there be trick or treating this year? Seems doubtful. I think candy makers are taking advantage of the COVID-19. The "19" means pounds gained, right?

I hope that fashion designers have started including coordinating masks in their new fall lines. I have made myself a number of masks and try at the very least not to clash mask and casual out-of-the-house outfit.

I find it easy to do my at home yoga in pajamas but it does occur to me to hope that new yoga wear will have matching masks for sale if we can start to return to our favorite studio. I am distressed about the studios and specialty shops that have closed down around here.

I do have to work on this. I wear my mask to the grocery store. I load my purchases into my car and then as soon as I am in the driver's seat and have started the engine I take off my mask. And then I am hit with the most uncontrollable urge to scratch my nose. I mean I think about the people who may have touched the things I put in my cart and then into my shopping bag but my nose really itches!! It's one of those fights where my left hand is trying to keep my right hand away from my face and the odds are not good.

These are just crazy times.


  1. Fashion and practical needs dictate these current cloth masks are soon to be out of style. We’ll all progress to the one with a clear window showing our mouth and most of the rest of our face — that’s what I want. We need the nonverbal language input and so do the deaf, hearing impaired.

    1. Masks do make it clear how much listening we do by lip reading.

  2. I know what you mean. I use my shirt sleeve which is untouched by human hands.

    1. I like that. Maybe I can sew a little burlap patch on my sleeves and give the old snoz a good scratch when I need to;).

  3. I have made a few masks, but we bought a box of 50 disposable masks from Amazon, and that's what we wear the few times we leave home.
    We went grocery shopping today. On the way out of the store we spray our hands with the hand sanitizer we used on the cart on the way in. Then we wash again when we get home. Itchy nose can be scratched.

    1. I do carry hand sanitizer always. There have been a couple of times where the store wipes dispenser was empty so I keep my own supply.

  4. Sadly we're still at a point where many people feel Covid-19 is not a big deal, but more and more stores are making masks mandatory. I don't mind wearing a mask at all, and like you I take it off when I get to the car. I keep a small bottle of sanitizer in my purse and use it before I drive off.

    Take care and stay well!

    1. I also keep sanitizer in my purse. I started out keeping it my car but then I read there was a danger it could burst into flames in a hot car. Yikes!

  5. Odd how I keep smiling even though no one really sees it. Also, look in the mirror when you are smiling in a mask. Check the eyes. For some reason I don't find a lot different in my eyes from smiling and being irritated. Probably need to work on that.
    I do the same as you when shopping but when I take my mask off, I lather up immediately with sanitizer which is ready in my cup holder. Then I scratch. .

  6. I find this post interesting because you say not everyone wears masks? It has been mandatory here forever. I don't see people complaining like I do on TV either. All grocery stores have now closed all entrances except one. To enter they clean down your cart and offer a mask if you don't have one. You can not enter without one. When you leave they take your cart and clean it down and it begins again. i'm boring, I wear a black mask or a blue one and if it clashes who cares - no one can see my face.:-)

  7. I have found myself giving a dazzling smile only to realize no one can see it, but at least it makes me feel good.
    Margaret, Trader Joe's is the only store around here that I know of that follows that protocol. Still, we have a low infection rate so something is working. We shall see if things change with colleges opening up now.

  8. DH and I wear masks and gloves whenever we're out to pick up groceries, put gas in the car, and... gosh, that's probably about it for us. We take off the masks once back in the car, spray our gloves, and keep them on until we finish sanitizing the groceries inside the house. Then we peel them off, throw them away, and wash our hands. If my nose itches, I keep a kleenex in my pocket to scratch it. Not perfect by any means, but we try. We haven't ventured into a bank with a mask on yet... that seems a bit too strange.

  9. I keep thinking people can't see me smiling behind my mask. I try to make it a habit to smile at the children and overwrought workers and moms trying to get through their grocery list. I haven't noticed myself scratching my nose but now that you said that, I'll bet I do. I have a phobia about the steering wheel. I take off my gloves before I touch it but I'm still thinking I'm putting germs on it. I've cleaned it so much the leather will probably start peeling.

  10. David hates wearing masks because they fog up his glasses. I prefer the disposable paper masks over the cloth ones, because they are lighter and not so heavy.

  11. I'm looking forward to a local story where our Member of Parliament is around town refusing to wear one! sigh.


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