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 I went for my pre-cataract surgery checkup and I was deemed healthy enough to undergo the procedure. However, there was a mild suggestion that perhaps I have been engaging in pandemic related binging? Followed by a mild reminder that my blood pressure does not benefit from salty potato chips and a have put on a slight amount of weight. Oh, bobbins!

There Are Three Kinds Of Binge Watchers. Which One Do You Think You Are?That's not the binging I had in mind when I wrote the title for this post. I was thinking about television binging.

I used to watch the show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy back in the early 2000's. I love a good make-over show. Mike used to roll his eyes and threaten to put parental control on my TV and then he would go downstairs to watch the history channel.

Netflix now has a Queer Eye series with a new fab five line-up. I didn't even think to watch it at first because I tend to be disappointed in remakes and spin-offs. I have a loyalty streak.

But, you know, COVID happened and I have been watching a lot more television and doing a lot less reading because my eyes stopped focusing too fast when looking at print. I finally gave Queer Eye a try and it took me two episodes to become obsessed.

I don't for one single minute believe that they transform a person's home, mental or physical health, food habits, relationships, fashion sense, relationships, and world view in the space of five days. 

And I know there has been push back about stereotyping because the show could suggest that gay men are only into interior design, fashion and hair. Personally, I have known many gay men for whom none of that is in the least bit true. But if you are going to do a design, fashion or hair make-over, I am going to be interested.

What I really love is that they do what they do with apparent joy, with kindness, with genuineness.

Binging television and binging potato chips kind of go together though.


  1. If it weren't for the amount of walking I've been able to do this summer, I'd be in the same boat. Because I am fully in agreement that bingeing potato chips and television - in my case, sports are great partners.

    Good luck with your surgery. Take care and stay well.

  2. We are still sticking to the rule of no TV during the daytime. But we do watch a lot of HGTV in the evening, when we have nothing else to watch.I have also managed to resist the potato chips most days.

  3. Good luck with the cataracts! What frustrated me so much was not being able to read.
    I think we all need to forgive ourselves until we find a new normal. Take it easy.

  4. Like you I didn't want to watch the new Queer Eye, but then ended up loving it even more.

  5. Glad you are surgery ready and hopefully when you can see better maybe you will read more than watching TV. Reading and eating never went together for me.
    Enjoyed the original show but don't have any of the extra channels and haven't seen the new one.I don't really binge unless I am watching a double header ball game.

  6. We binge watch at night. So no potato chips ... just ice cream! If you're looking for suggestions I'd recommend "Call My Agent" on netflix about a Paris talent agency. It's fun; it's funny; and it's occasionally affecting.

  7. I watch music videos on YouTube and eat Hershey's Almond Kisses while watching. No chips for me.


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