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Ways to Cope

Here are some ways that I am coping with social distancing that sometimes really can feel like isolation:

1. While washing my hands I pretend I am playing a character on Grey's Anatomy so that I am doing a lengthy and thorough scrub right up to my elbows.

2. Lots of patterns and how-tos on making face masks. I am not thinking these are terribly safeof effective, but it will help with my hand washing technique (see #1).

3. Cleaning out refrigerator and pantry shelves. Mostly transferring contents therein to my belly and hips.

4. Reading and Kindling (a word made up by Sextant). I am rereading some favorites but I am also making friends, finally, with Kindle as I stopped using the public library even before it was shut down.

5. Cleaning. I really do not like to use chemicals. I bought this product and have been using it for six weeks now. I am very satisfied with it. and I even use it on my tooth brush and nighttime dental appliance. No skin is peeling off my hands.

Yesterday I was wiping down all the spice and condiment jars. Today -- pens and pencils.

6. Texting and zooming and waving or calling out from a distance. Finally finding that there is an advantage to being an introvert sometimes!

7. Completely failing in me New Year's resolution to cut back on computer time.
BUT I forgive myself because I really am using it more intentionally -- for staying connected and for learning new things.

8. Turning on some music and dancing as if no one is watching -- because nobody is. When I start belting out the songs my neighbors have total permission to call in the authorities, but I keep the windows closed because the AC is on.

9. Experimenting with creative ways to cook lentils.

!0. Setting alarms to add structure to my days. Ooo . . . time for yoga now.

Any other tips out there? How are you taking care of yourselves?


  1. Well if you are washing your hands like grays anatomy you must be having sex in the closet as they all do as well. Hall closet Olga? Pantry? :-) I watched it last night - it was 60 minutes of sex. I hear what you aren't saying here missy.

    1. Ha! Not saying it because it is not happening. I am here on my own, sadly.

  2. Pretty much the same as you, Olga. Trying to follow a routine... and trying to find new ways to make myself or others laugh to lighten things up. Fear and anxiety are almost as much our enemy as the virus these days. We can always 'clean out areas that we've put off, go through all those boxes of pictures, spend some time researching our ancestry, etc. And I've always planned to see if I could make home-made rolls - maybe I will try that this week.

  3. My alarm is set for 8:00, but at least that's something. We are usually awake reading in bed until midnight, after our evening of TV watching. Every day there is the 45 minute physical therapy routine, day one or day two program,and then most days I try to walk, but newly developed sciatica has limited that, or do eight miles on the stationary bike while reading. I have ongoing sewing projects and gardening when I can and weather permits. then there are hours of emails and Facebook and online reading. I plan and cook dinner for us every day. I look for a reason to laugh each day and share it with Tom. I guess that's about it. It's actually not so different from non-viral times.

  4. Yup. Me too. I'm doing a lot of those. Hmmmm... I haven't attacked my cabinets and shelves though. I really should inventory my supplies. Later. And yes, lots of time is spent on the computer and cellphone. Friends in Illinois and Hawaii as well as our kids are texting back and forth.

  5. I love to check out new recipes on the internet and follow them for meals at home. David always likes eating something new. Last night I made a new marinade for rib eye steak. Beer, soy sauce, maple syrup and garlic. Pierce the meat top and bottom with the tip of a knife and let the marinade sink into it. Grill. Delicious.

  6. Does your library have Kindle lending? Mine does and it is wonderful. A huge selection. You make your choice, check it out, then go to Amazon and they download it all for free. Then in 2 weeks, they snatch it back out of your Kindle. I just put a hold on that book you recommended that way.
    I am trying to get in some outdoor exercise or I will just end up a head with fingers when this is over.

  7. A lot of the same things. I'm also taking a free online psychology course through

  8. I think for most people staying on a schedule will make us feel more comfortable. I find repetitive habits comforting but some people do not so we can clean a new closet or shelf each day or vacuum the hallway over and over. Whatever gets us feeling comfortable is a good thing.

  9. Our circa 1992 TV just died recently so we got a modern flat screen. With the addition of a Fire-Stick we are now able to stream programs (like everyone else has been doing for years). So we have been binge watching Netflix. The only thing that bothers me with this isolation is when I can't be isolated...I absolutely hate going food shopping.


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