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I am sitting on my lanai. The temperature is pleasant, the humidity is pleasant, the breeze is pleasant. It's a bit hard to keep the chaos in the world in mind even though I watched the news just 30 minutes ago and it was not at all pleasant.

My son was here for a visit. Now things are kind of lonely. All my usual FL group activities have been cancelled. Don was going to come down to stay with me for the month of April and then we were going to drive back to VT together. He decided he would not be flying. I don't know about flying home either. Driving would involve stopping at a hotel or two unless I were to sleep in my car (not very likely). And who knows if gas will go the way of toilet paper or not.

But I have plenty of food and supplies for the time being. I am in the older group, but I am healthy. I am comfortable in my home and I have things to keep me busy.

A red shouldered hawk landed on the lawn. Now that was interesting. It's a real Florida bird.

Image result for red shouldered hawk juvenile

Nice to have a visitor and we kept a ten feet distance.


  1. I love your visiting hawk, and good he kept the recommended distance. You are giving me the idea to sit outside today when the sun hits my front patio to warm it up. Come visit me on my blog, that is the safest way to visit!

  2. My sister-in-law is taking a flight from Hawaii to Florida which involves 2 stopovers in early April. Scary.

  3. We are to have company this weekend. They are driving. They use the Pennsylvania turnpike. All rest stops on the turnpike will now be closed including the bathrooms. Apparently they will pee in a jar? Then I heard they will have port-a-potties at each site (6 of them) and cleaned daily. The jar is looking better now isn't it? I would not fly for anything but I understand if one has to to get home. Gas is cheap but where can you go? I wish you the best of luck. And the older thing is not accurate 30 year old's are dying like flies. So I think they just saw that older americans with health issues had a difficult time recovering but the 30 and 40 yr olds are dying too so it's not just us. I just read where one family lost 3 members while 4 more members of this family are fighting for their lives. Scary times we are living in! Be safe!

  4. We left Florida on Tuesday and made a one night stop before getting home to Michigan.There were lots of RVs on the road and a lot of semis.The Druery Inn was very consious of disinfecting.The service stations showed signs of constant disinfecting. We carried Lysol wipes at all times when we were going into public places. Our nearby small grocery had most things to restock our pantry and fridge when we got home. We are so happy to be homenear family and friends.

  5. I'm happy to hear that you are doing well There are certainly worse places to be than where you are. We feel that way too.
    That is a very handsome visitor.

  6. I have been wondering how this pandemic would affect the snowbird travel in Florida and other parts. I guess if you live in NYC, any place would be safer but if you are from a small town, is it a good idea? I have no dog in the fight, just curious.

  7. This is a brave new world we are entering in now. Each day brings a new challenge. I can see the hesitancy about flying. Hope this is over by the time you are ready to leave. One day at a time.

  8. There are definitely worse places to be than a lanai in Florida. What a beautiful bird!

    Take care and stay well!

  9. I am glad that you are somewhat content and have what you need for a while.

  10. I always enjoy reading your blogs. You usually have an upbeat point of view. By the way, we do have many red tailed hawks up here in PA. Eagles, vultures and a wide variety of smaller birds I feed on our deck. I do look forward to spring this year even though a little more snow is forecasted!

  11. My friends who live in FL in the winter have decided to stay rather than drive back to MD right now. They're in the Keys. Your weather and surroundings sound relaxing and lovely. Enjoy and stay well!


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