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Happy Place

I took a picture of the Burlington (VT) airport while waiting for boarding. I'd upload it here except I deleted it since it just looked like a mistake (is there such a thing as a butt click?) because it was all shades of gray -- not even fifty to make it interesting, just maybe six or seven shades of gray.

It was a drizzly, icy start to the morning. My friend had already called me like three times to let me know there was no way I was getting out of Vermont because of the weather. She hates when I go to Florida.

The plane was 20 minutes late with take-off (scheduled for 7:30 a.m.) but then the pilot made that up on the way to Chicago (I was on the zigzag route). The plane was pretty filled with  young children and babies. Visits to grandparents were over and families were headed home.

I had what I was thinking would be a two hour layover in O'Hare, but of course it was really three hours because I had forgotten about the time zone change. I would rather have time to get to my gate then sit and read as opposed to a mad dash to make a connection.

It gave me time to realize that I had forgotten my keys to the Florida place. I called the woman who checks the house in my absence and she went to unlock for me. I do have a set of keys here. Now I have a third set in a little magnetic box hidden outside. A momentary panic followed by sincere prayer (answered) that I would reach Anne.

There were no children or even that many young people of the flight from Chicago to Sarasota. In fact, boarding took a very long time because of all the wheelchair passengers. Okay, I had the right plane for sure, headed for the land of the retired.

Other than the key glitch, it was an uneventful trip and I was home by five. It was still light outside! Sun! It was warm!

I am in my happy place.

It was a little jarring to see all the Christmas decorations. I had taken mine down of course so naturally I thought of Christmas as OVER.


  1. Welcome back. I live in Venice too part time and have been going through the same "where do I live?" feelings. Always good to get out of the grey and cold and into the sunny and warm.

  2. I think that you are brave to make such dramatic changes this time of year. ;-)

  3. Glad you had a safe, if seemingly long, trip. But it must be worth it, as I saw it's 75 degrees in Sarasota today!

    1. I do enjoy the warm weather and the sunshine.

  4. Glad you made it home to Florida safely. I'm with you, I'd rather have time at the gate than to be rushing to make a connection.

    Enjoy your time in the sunshine!

  5. It must be nice to have two homes. And I think it's better to fly than drive all that distance.

    1. I am fortunate to be able to leave the snow and ice behind.

  6. Admire your courage to fly. Just can't make myself do it. Say hello to the west coast of Fla. for me. My brother is down there now and this morning he said they were expecting sun but maybe 25 mile an hour winds. That makes bike riding tough. Hope you get just the sun.

    1. I enjoy driving and don't mind long car trips but if I want to be somewhere without caring what is between here and there, I would always choose flying.

  7. It sounds like Florida is becoming more and more the place you identify with. I don't think I would have taken that flight because I had extended layovers. I really hate being stuck in the airplane and prefer being able to get out and walk around. Oh well, we go where they take us don't we.

  8. Sun and warmth does sound good right now. It is 5:00 here as I type and it's not quite dark. That's an improvement! But of course it's wet and cold.
    We finished putting Christmas away here today. Moving on, but not quite as far as you! :-)
    Enjoy your days in the sun.

  9. Enjoy the sun! We usually keep most of our Christmas decorations till 3 Kings day- Jan. 6.

  10. I’m glad you made it to Florida safely. I know all about those zigzag flights. There was one crazy time that we got on the plane at O’Hare, flew to Ohio and stayed on the plane, then flew back O’Hare and then flew to Hawaii. What the heck! So glad you have some warm weather to enjoy.

  11. You made it! Well done. I'm not a good traveller. Happy times!


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