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Failing to Remember

Why do we forget? From forgetting where you left your keys to forgetting to return a phone call, memory failures are an almost daily occurrence. Forgetting is so common that you probably rely on numerous methods to help you remember important information such as jotting down notes in a daily planner or scheduling important events on your phone's calendar.
                                               -The Psychology of Forgetting and Why Memory Fails

I had three major brain farts of forgetting recently. It's very distressing.

First I lost my checkbook just before Christmas. Panic. I was sure I must have dropped it at some store and I had been to many since I was taking my friend who had broken her hip out to do her Christmas shopping. I knew there were only a few checks left in that batch so I put a stop payment on the numbers.

Then, of course, I found the check book. It's not my religion, but I am not above praying to St. Anthony when convenient. Good St. Anthony, please come round. Something's lost that must be found. But then I used one of those checks to pay my neighbors for half of the drain rooting. Haha! Serves them right but I called them the next morning to tell them to rip up that check and I would write another from the new check pack -- but they had already deposited the check at their bank. ("Don't you have overdraft protection? " they ask. Yes, but that is not the issue here.) Anyway my bank understood and lifted the stop payment so I wasn't charged 30 bucks.

Do you get the impression I am not overly fond of my condo neighbors?

Then, in spite of a number of flashing lights related to keys going off in my brain, I left my Florida house keys and car key in Vermont. The realization hit me as I was eating my sandwich in the Chicago airport. I never think to pack a lunch, but for some reason I did that day. Apparently the sandwich thought ran major interference with the keys thought. Fortunately, the neighbor who watches the house in my absence was home and she went to unlock before my arrival. I have a spare set of keys.

I thought I had fully recovered from the trip and the plumbing trauma by resting all new Year's Day. I went shopping on  2nd. When I went to unload my cart, I could not find my car key. I took everything out of my purse -- twice. My mind went to disaster mode for a while, but I started praying again -- St Anthony, all the gods, all the saints, all the angels, the universe in general. I took a deep cleansing breath and went back to the checkout counter. The clerk was just closing down his register. He hadn't seen my keys but he did look around and found the key under the counter. I think I asked him to marry me.

So that's three things. There's a law about threes, right?

Image result for Cant remember memes

I would be more worried about all this what with being old and all except I have always been this forgetful and somewhat lacking in focus.

My lovely daughter once said to me (as a teenager of course), "Mom, you are a real key slut."


  1. I am sorry for your panics. That can really age you. I forget things now and again...we all do. We also seem to go through periods where we forget more. Perhaps it is your moving all about?

  2. Geez, I was going to say that alcohol pickled your brain. Alcohol does kill brain cells, you know. But, maybe it's a birth defect.

  3. Cracked up at your marriage proposal. As for forgetting-- if most everyone I know wasn't in the same boat, it would be scary.

  4. oh my goodness thank you. That makes me feel better. I too am a key slut apparently. That's funny. I'm glad you didn't lose everything, just temporarily misplaced. Every time I do something like that now I panic. Do I have dementia? Am I getting senile like my father? So thank you for the laughs.

  5. The curse of the memory loss. Loosing keys is terrifying. And, yes, you've had your three so you should be safe now. Fingers crossed.

  6. I went to the opthamalogist office for what I thought would be a simple test, I got an IV with yellow dye injected into my body and became wonky after I came home, I prayed to saint Anthony not to freeze I was shaking and tummy so upset I actually threw up the little I had for breakfast many hours before, the ladies who did the tests said only one in 200 get ill well I did..Now if they do anything to me at the clinics or hospital I ask and think carefully..I am always misplacing something so I just get two of most small items, it works for me..Hope 2020 is much better..peace, joy and love sent to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Yes, I think we all have this forgetful problem... to different extents. My main one is putting something somewhere safe and forgetting where that was. Also short term memory losses... go to get something or tell someone something and before I get there or say it, it's gone. It does come back though... later (like there's a delay switch). Even when I can't remember where something is - I know to give it time, and sooner or later I'll remember.

  8. Having those panicky feelings when you lose something important is not fun. Glad everything worked out. Too bad you can't lose those condo neighbors.

    1. Well I did get a call yesterday from my neighbor and the property management company, much to my complete surprise, did refund the cost of that emergency plumbing bill. I did remain calm with my neighbors for the sake of neighborhood harmony, Not so much with the property management company. Maybe I scared them.

  9. At 73, I still have a pretty good memory but what helps me the most is saying something out loud- yes, folks might think I'm crazy but I'll say "OK I'm going to the garage to get a trash bag!" I also have a designated area in my home for phone, pen and car keys- it's a 2 tiered little tray and if something isn't there, then I start to panic LOL. My 40 something daughter is always misplacing her keys so it's definitely not just us seniors! 80 here today in NE Florida- gotta love it except for hurricane season.

    1. I love it here in the winter but have not spent an entire summer here as yet.

  10. Sigh... Been there, done that. I was telling my son how forgetful I was getting and he said, "Mom, you've always been forgetful." Ah well...

    1. Do you think we have stumbled on dementia prevention, i.e. chronic, lifelong forgetfulness?

  11. My theory is that we all simply have too much to keep track of, what with the keys, the glasses, the phone, the wallet, etc., etc. So don't worry. You're just fine!

  12. My sweet mother in law used to pray to St Anthony when she lost or misplaced things. It worked for her. I learned to pray to St Anthony from her,and I'm not even Catholic. He has answered my prayers many times.

    Besides misplacing things in my messy house, for years, I have had the experiences of not being able to find something when I looked for it in the area where I always kept it. I would then search in a lot of other places, and then finally return to where I started searching in the first place, and the item would be in one of the places I previously searched. For a while this was happening quite often, but rarely happens now. Thank goodness. I never will understand what that was all about, but it was weird.


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