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Felicity Huffman will pay a fine and do 14 days of jail time for her part in the college admissions cheating scandal.

I understand that there is some kind of backlash -- a joke of a sentence, not tough on crime, another example of money buying privilege, etc. One guy tweeted that he could buy a gallon of milk on the day she enters prison and it would still be fresh when she gets out. People are strange.

Now, my thought is that punishments should fit the crime. How about having her tutor high school students in an inner city school who are trying to be the first in their families to apply for college? How about sentencing her to two weeks of substitute teaching? Oh, wait, that would be cruel and unusual punishment, substitute teaching.


  1. I'm not sure she could tutor. It requires devotion, morals and values! There are requirements for substititue teachers in Canada!

  2. What a great idea ... you should be a judge!

  3. 14 days and a $20,000 fine don't mean much for people who cheat. Too easy to commit the crime again.

  4. I would say the punishment does not fit the crime at all. It's clear there is one justice system for the wealthy and for the rest. The backlash revolves, in part, around a woman who was imprisoned for 5 years for using a false address (because she was homeless) to enroll her child in school. I doubt the child was taking a spot from another child, whereas Huffman's cheating kept another student from attending the college. While more jail time wouldn't do anything more, I agree she ought to have to give back in some way. AND the courts ought to review the sentence the other woman received in light of this decision. m

  5. I have never been big on punishment, on "throw the book at them". Ms Huffman has thoroughly embarrassed herself and her family and the media has made sure, since she is famous and rich, that everyone is aware of her "terrible sin". Except for the two actresses involved, one of whom is not contrite at all, we don't get the names and the camera shots of all of the others accused of the same crime of bribery and cheating. I think Ms Huffman has handled herself admirably and will serve her time compliantly. She still has hours of community service to perform, and Olga, your ideas are great!

  6. I do like the idea of public service especially when the crime affects the public in general like this did. I've thought about her sentencing a lot over the uproar. I felt ok with it and I had to think why. Because she is cute? Well yes. Because she is an actress? No. Because she confessed? Yes. I think confessing to a crime should have its rewards. So often we see the criminal with blood still dripping from the knife flatly deny they were guilty. I taught my children to come to me and tell me when they did something wrong. If they told me before I found out the punishment was less to nothing depending on the crime. I guess what I like is that Felicity stood up before the world - not just her mother - and confessed her crime - even though she had been caught. So I think confessions and community service are a good outcome for many mistakes.

  7. I am kind of OK with the sentence since she did confess and throw herself on the mercy of the court. She didn't try to hide her guilt or shame or disguise her motives. Her reputation and family relationships have taken a huge hit. As far as deterring others, perhaps it was a bit of a weak sentence but maybe the 250 hours of community service will be helpful.

  8. I too think she should do more than what has been declared as her sentence. The time in prison is just silly. She should be paying for poor students to go to college. Hitting her in the pocketbook would be more punishment.

  9. loved this. I don't think it's tough enough but I also knew she has money, they will say the prison is too crowded and after 2 days she will go back to her mansion. If she weren't white I think we'd be seeing a different outcome. But I really like your idea of the kind of community service she should do. Heaven knows she needs to be in reality. not celebrity wealth reality, the rest of us reality.

  10. I would not like to have her teaching my children or anyone else's. I don't think she would be a good influence because she tried to cheat the system. She is not a person of good character in my opinion. Also, I think she would be totally disinterested in anyone else's children.


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