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Cooking School

Cooking School -- that's where I need to go for remedial instruction.

I mean I seem to be a real cooking slump right now. It's not an aversion to cooking. At least I don't think it is. It may be a lack of attention. Perhaps I need to have a more meditative, mindful attitude toward meal preparation.

I made a quiche yesterday and when I was putting it in the oven, I spilled the custard onto the oven door. I like a custardy quiche so uncooked it is quite liquid.
Well, since the oven was preheated, the egg mixture instantly cooked onto the oven door.

Today, the very next day, I wanted baked potato. For some reason I forgot to give it a good poke with a fork so when I foolishly stuck a fork in it to test doneness --
BAM! Potato explosion.

What a ness!!

Going out to eat tomorrow night sounds like a plan!


  1. well Olga the fact that you make baked potatoes in the oven is fabulous. Everyone does them in the microwave and I love real baked potatoes. So see, you're a cook. :-) Going out to dinner is fun anyway, no clean up.

  2. Sorry, I'm laughing (with you I hope). I think we all have mishaps like yours from time to time. My issue with cooking is that I get tired of having to decide what to prepare for dinner. Yet, I'll happily go out for a meal and make that decision...but at least I don't have to cook and clean up afterward.

    1. I know what you mean. When I had a family to cook for every night it got to be such a chore to decide what to make. "Whatever you feel like making is fine," is not a good answer!

  3. What a klutz...clumsy. Hey, what can I say?

    1. Yes, I have been told that many times in my life.

  4. Olga, first I have to tell you that Olga was my favorite great aunt's name. Now... tip about the quiche or any custard type: put the pie shell or pan into the oven first, then pour the liquid into it (using something with a spout that makes it easy to pour). I used to always spill the liquid moving it into the oven until I started doing this.
    And I too bake my potatoes in the oven. I think they taste better (could be just me). Never had one explode (but I probably prick them to death).

  5. I don't know if 'slump' is the right word, but I did smile reading this post, so there's that! LOL

  6. Putting a full custardy pie into the oven to bake. I am always fearful of spilling. or touching the rack, betting burned, and then spilling.
    Exploding potatoes - scary. I guess it is time to go out. :-)

  7. Oh, no! I've had the dropsies, too! Maybe it is our age or the season??!!

    1. Not paying attention is my problem when these things happen.

  8. Just a run of bad cooking luck. I have had potatoes explode in the oven before. What a mess. I don't like the taste of microwaved potatoes. I sometimes have a run of bad luck with my food turning out right for a few days in a row. I think that happens when I am preoccupied with other things.

    Last year after I had Knee replacement it was a little while before I was even able to walk and stand around long enough to make dinner. My husband cooked some things, but we ended up having more fast food than is normal for us. Nothing like three days of fast food to make home cooking and the cleanups, and even potato explosions worth risking.

    You have made me hungry for quiche.

  9. Know what you are going through. I use to love to cook but now it is becoming a chore. So have my choices. I tend to get on a kick and eat the heck out of one thing till I am sick of it, then find something new. I think it is cooking for one that is a bummer.

  10. What the world needs is the self-venting potato. It does seem like things tend to run in groups. My wife says threes. So by her count you have another oven mess awaiting.

    I am not sure if things happen in threes or that is just when we reset the event counter.

  11. I have been the same at times. Several days of wanting to cook and producing some very good meals and then a period of not wanting to prepare dinner and then followed by a week of food that is never quite right or under cooked. Never had a potato explode,but you have reminded me why we need to poke holes in ahead of time. Wit hubby's new diet, I find I am working harder to be creative.


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