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I got back to Vermont. It was gray and rainy. Even the daffodils seemed depressed by the run of rainy weather.

But the next day was much nicer and those tender green buds that will soon be leaves made an appearance.  The grass is an emerald green that makes me just want to walk through it with bare feet. The soggy wet soil keeps from actually doing that. There are buds on rhododendrons and crab apple trees. Very soon there will be lovely blooms of pink and white.  I will take a short walk to the nursery across the street from the development where my condo is located and plan my mini garden for my deck.

I had several containers of plants in Florida.  Usually I give them away at the end of season.  This year I planted most of them (except the herbs that I know will not make it through a summer in Florida) in my little yard. Most of the plants this year were succulents. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, will survive. Will be interesting to see if I remember since I forgot to take pictures.

It was Green UP weekend here. Individuals and groups go out and clean up the trash that accumulates along the roadsides. It goes into bright green trash bags and then is picked up by town crews. Take a ride today because the pristine views will not last. Whatever makes some people think it's perfectly okay to toss coffee cups, beer cans or wine bottles out their windows is beyond me, but there you have it.

One of my favorite scenarios from a book is in Carl Hiassen's Sick Puppy. The main character is cruising along behind a guy in a convertible. Some trash flies out of the convertible and the m.c. is so outraged he follows the car to a restaurant where it is parked with top still down. The main character gets a garage truck (I've forgotten just how he manages that) and dumps the contents into the convertible. I've gotta read that book again.


  1. Good work, Green Up. We all do that during Earth Day Week!
    I love the plant story. I forget over winter what I have, and I'm so happy to see tulips where I forgot I put bubls in!

  2. I loved that book Olga. And when I mention that one to people no one I have ever met has read it. I knew I liked you! :-)
    Welcome home.

  3. I too cannot stand when I see beer cans and trash on our roads. There was some kind of clean up not too long ago, and I have seen a resident down the road do his own road clean up. If he hadn't I was going to. Nasty habit!

  4. Good for your community to do the clean-up. I know there are parts of our city that do so every year as well. Unfortunately it tends to be the same area, where people are less than particular about their properties.

    Now that was revenge!

  5. I am a neat freak and hate untidiness and clutter. In Hawaii, there are brigades of people who actually clean the highways and beaches of debris for free.

  6. Now that you mention litter, I am extremely surprised that we don't have more on the boulevard. From my walks I have not noticed any. That is a major miracle. Good thing I'm having eye surgery. I might see a lot more after that!

  7. welcome back to your summer home, despite the weather!

  8. Spring is a good time to arrive back in Vermont. The greening and blooming is so glorious in northern climes that it makes the rainy days easier to take.
    I don't get the trash throwers either. A few days ago I yelled at a young man, a big fat young man in fact, who tossed a paper bag wrapped container in the ditch as he walked by me on the other side of the street. I said that he should pick up his trash, because this was my neighborhood too. He ignored me. I guess I should be glad that he didn't tell me to f off.

  9. Being a lover of rainy days, I think the daffodils were not depressed but bowing before the Rain Goddess, provider of all life. Of course there are limits to my love of rain and the current pattern of land slides and falling trees due to the daily deluges has inspired a bit of fear in my heart.

    I love the garbage in the convertible image. I have found you can triangulate the location of the nearest McDonalds (and other such establishments) by noting the locations of the fast food litter one Big Mac's distance away.

  10. You get to catch spring without the gray waiting days. Nice!

  11. Am enjoying May Gray here in So Cal. Was delighted my poppies spread on their own and bloomed magnificently this year but they’ve retired now. Wish I had some more perennials coming up to bloom continuing after them, but haven’t figured out if there’s some seed I could spread there to do just that. Must talk with garden center I guess, since two of the places where I used to go have closed.


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