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I never thought I would live in a mobil home, and I certainly never thought I would live in a gated retirement community (I'll rant about that another time), but I really do like my Florida place. I am very comfortable here.

The thing is, it is 12 years old and therefore "very dated." Here's a picture from my kitchen:

For years I watched HGTV shows where a house without stainless appliances got nothing but turned up noses. But maybe white is coming back now? The light cabinets -- so ten+ years ago -- what were people thinking?

BTW, I bought this refrigerator last year to replace a much larger one that had an ice maker. You probably think I should actually live in a cave but I use very little ice and all I could think about was the system growing mold while waiting for me to call for an ice cube.

My condo in VT was built in the early 80's. The appliance were all replaced just before I moved in and they are stainless steel. I don't get the big whoop. Wiping finger prints off them is a constant chore.

And the agitator-less washing machine. Good grief ,I hate that thing. It runs forever and tangles the clothes like it thinks it was a rope twisting machine in a former life. The 12 year old model I have here does a much better job cleaning my clothes and without all the wrinkles to contend with.

Not everything new is an improvement.

OR I am turning into my parents.

I probably wouldn't be able to sell my Florida place if home buyers on TV are any indication so it's a good thing I don't plan to do so.


  1. Well, the new washing machines are supposed to save water, which we really should do, esp. in Florida. But I agree abt. the stainless steel appliances. And please don't tell me light cabinets are "out" -- we just spent a fortune to put some new ones in!

  2. I think stainless steel or the matte slate colors I now see being advertised are the appliance industry's answer to tail fins. What I am curious about is why do refrigerators need to have screens or coffee makers a wifi connection? Do I really need to communicate to my coffee maker or refrigerator through a smart phone app?

    My rule on buying appliances has been heavy duty guts and the fewest bells and whistles. That will probably become a thing of the past, and one day I will discover my washer, coffee maker, robot sweeper, and door bell ringer, are too busy mining bit coins or overwhelming the internet to be bothered with the mundane tasks of making some coffee or keeping the milk cold.

    1. You make me laugh. I feel the exact same way.

  3. I had to laugh at Sextant's comment as I was thinking similar. I have off white cabinets which are a bit of a both to clean, but not too bad. My appliances are black and when replaced I will have to go with the updated style, whatever that is.

  4. I am changing over my kitchen from white to stainless steel, but keeping the white refrigerator because it works fine. I have never had or wanted a refrigerator that makes ice cubes. Like you I don't use many ice cubes.

  5. I had to search to find white appliances when we had to replace ours one at a time. I don't get the attraction of stainless steel either.
    We also watch a lot of HGTV and I often think about how "outdated" buyers on that show would find my house. I like it fine though, and I don't even have granite counter tops!

    1. When did everyone start thinking every thing had to be perfect before buying a house. Homes are thing you work on to make your own over the years if you're lucky. The sense of entitlement really started to bother me and I don't watch so much anymore.

  6. I'm in the process of preparing my house for sale; like or not the buyers will see white appliances. I'm not a fan of the stainless steel, nor do I have an ice cube maker. I do have ice cube trays and they work fine.

    1. Good luck with your sale. My real estate agent was brutal about what needed to be done to sell my house a few years ago. Some of her suggestions I took and some I did not. The house sold anyway.

  7. We recently bought a new electric dryer. I hate the loud buzzer when the clothes are dry. It buzzes 3 times and is very annoying.

    1. I know just what you mean. I can turn the buzzer off and on with my dryer(s) and would not consider the option not to do so any kind of improvement if/when I have to get a new dryer.

  8. My sister has one of those new washing machines and HATES it. If we just wait, everything old is new again.

  9. Since this is my only field of any type of expertise this is what I know. As for the appliances Stainless Steel is no longer da bomb. Just like granite is no longer the newest thing it looks dated. The newest thing in appliance color is a black stainless steel, it also doesn't show fingerprints which I too despise wiping all day long. House Hunters show people that may live in an area where S.Steel and granite seem to be #1. Where I live and on HGTV that is not the case. Yee-Haw. But painting your cabinets will absolutely help. (not with a brush and roller either)
    If you buy the wine I'll come redo. :-)

  10. Does it still work? Keep it then. :)

  11. In my list of alternate tasks that smart appliances can be doing instead of the mundane task you bought them for, I should have included "find you a date." Samsung has developed a dating app that uses the contents of your refrigerator as a profile photo:

  12. You baby boomers are literally the most evil generation to ever exist. You are all psychopaths. You destroyed your own children's future, destroyed the economy, and then you sit back and laugh smugly about it. I hope you boomers enjoy the retirement homes! LOL!!! I guess what I'm really trying to say is, can you baby boomers hurry up and fucking drop dead already?

  13. My mother thought, too, she would never live in a mobile home, but...... Years later when medical issues necessitated her leaving we kept it hoping she’d be able to return. Unfortunately she wasn’t. This was an older 2 BR single we could have sold for 14K offer at the time she went to hospital. A couple years later it couldn’t be sold and I hadn’t to pay $ to have it drug out of Sr. community. It’s all about timing.


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