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I was taking a walk on Sunday morning -- a right popular time for walking I'd say.

A popular time for dog walking anyway.  I was feeling like I was driving without a license, afraid someone was going to stop and say. "Hey, where's your dog?  Did you forget your dog? Go home and get your dog."

I like dogs fine, I just don't want the responsibility of caring for one right now.  I have trouble enough keeping up a routine with my houseplants.  And spending most of my walks carrying a plastic bag of doggie poop -- just not for me.

The homeowners association where I live in Florida has a restriction on canine size.  A neighbor caused a righteous uproar when she got a cocker spaniel, considered a large dog in the eyes of the HOA.  My personal view is if a dog has to be smaller than a cocker spaniel, you might as well just get a  hamster.  They're quieter.

Another thing I noticed is that half the other walkers were using their phones while walking.  One woman was talking on her phone.  Talking on her phone!  How quaint!  Most of the others were in the process of texting.  That totally amazes me -- how someone can walk and text at the same time.
I have barely mastered chewing gum and walking (well, in theory, because I don't actually ever chew gum).  But if I had to text for some reason while out walking I would definitely have to come to a complete stop to do it.  I think the species may be evolving, selection going toward multitasking ability.

Temperatures got up to 89ºF on Sunday.  It was only 82 in the morning.  I get a lot of flack for thinking 82℉ is a quite pleasant temperature, comfortable for wearing shorts and a tee.  This person must of thought it a bit on the chilly side or maybe she just can't be exposed to direct sunlight:

The sun was bright and there was not a cloud in the sky.  BTW, that dog is small, but not hamster trade-in small.  The woman is pretty petite too, so dog and human are nicely proportional.

I did have my phone with me this time so I was able to get  photo of a swallowtail butterfly:


  1. My dogs insist on going with me when I walk. There is no getting around it. Your walk sounds very pleasant.

  2. I just wrote a long comment and then poof it was gone. I give up.
    Can I go back to bed now?

  3. What a delightful find your blog is! I'll be back!


  4. We had dogs for years, and I liked them because they made me feel obligated to walk every day. Now, when I walk, I feel like I've forgotten something! I don't understand people on their phones - talking or texting - during their walks either.

  5. Anywhere above the 80s is warm for me and not refreshing for walking. The lady might very well have been cancer prone and wants to make sure her skin is healthy. I agree with you that little dogs and not really dogs.

  6. I like almost all critters. Have had dogs in the past, but more cats have shared our home.. Size doesn’t really matter, but I have to admit, I lean towards the larger dog breeds. And being here in Texas, I think anything lower than triple digits in the summer is pleasant...

  7. For a time I thought I wanted a dog. Thankfully the dog urge passed. Like you, I couldn’t get excited about poop pick-up. I am totally addicted to everything on my iPhone, except the phone. Seldom ever use it but I’m the queen of texting.

  8. I keep thinking a dog might be good for me, as I'd have to get out and walk him/her. But then I think about picking up poop and no! It's enough to clean cat litter every couple of days.

    In the 80's is plenty warm for me. We tend to go to shorts and tees when the temps reach 70 (and some folks even earlier). Of course, we also think 32 is not cold!

    Have a great week!

  9. You're too funny. I don't want any animals in my house, because they are always wrecking the place.

  10. I'm like Rian. It is 100 right now so any thing in the 90's is pleasant and lower than 80 is sweater weather. I'm glad all I have to do is open the door for Callie to walk herself. Fenced yards are wonderful.

  11. Now that I'm not working again I walk the dogs at least twice a day sometimes more. It's part of my thinking time just walking and letting them pull me forward and not worrying how fast we get down to the end of the street. I do the same thing with driving I just drive and think I guess it's my alone time

    1. Oh, wait! I missed the part about your not working now. Gotta go catch up.

  12. You are so funny. I can identify with all you are saying, dog poop, texting while walking, size of "real" dogs, all except walking when it's 80. Way too hot for me.

  13. I walk several days a week. My cat stays home, asleep somewhere.

  14. I would really like to have a dog. Have had some throughout my life, so know the pros and cons. I’ve concluded the cons outweigh the pros. I don’t need any living creature requiring I need to give them care, clean up after, get care for them if I want to suddenly take a trip. Maybe rent-a-dog would work and could just return them after a short visit, or volunteer at my local dog shelter.

  15. Excellent idea -- kind of along the lines of having grandchildren visit.


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