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We reap what we sow

If it's okay to deny your business services to another based on your religious opinions and beliefs, why not based on ethical, even political, opinions and belief?

Do I think it is okay? No. But then, nobody consulted me about it.

However, if you sow hatred and judgement, don't expect to harvest kindness and compassion.

My sign idea doesn't seem so bad now, does it, Sarah?


  1. Amen sister! Although hubby and I got in a tiny bit of a heated debate over it. He said religious freedom is different (protected-rights-wise) from political or ethical freedom. He's right, but that still doesn't make it any different to me. ;)

  2. I doubt Sarah’s experience is all that unusual in the world of politics. She just has a bully pulpit at her disposal and chose to use it, others haven’t had that advantage. Someone needs to remind her “sticks and stones may break your bones but words can never hurt you.”

  3. She tweeted this and got the restaurant in the District getting all this hate thrown at them. WRONG restaurant. People are crazy. Having been a waitress to put myself through school I would have handled this differently. They would have waited a long time after their water and bread bowl. Oops I forgot to hand in my order. It all would have been subtle but it would have made me feel good. I wouldn't have cared about the tips. But as you said the supreme court let that bigot who owned a bakery the right to refuse whomever he wanted. She applauded that ruling, karmas a bitch lady!

    1. I too think that the staff could have made a point through the most perfunctory of service without giving more tinder for the twitter fires.

  4. I didn't agree with the cake and I don't agree with Sarah's treatment. Margaret's way would have gotten the same message across with no headlines.

  5. I feel sorry for Sarah and her group. Just a simple dinner gone bad.

    1. I feel sorry for any one being treated badly but I also feel sorry for those who seem to have no compunction about lying because it is their job.

  6. I was out of the loop this weekend and didn't get many details of the Sarah restaurant thing., but I agree with you. Sarah might be a great person underneath all of that stuff she spews in support of that guy, but it's really hard to tell that there is much milk of human kindness there.
    Withholding service based on religious belief might be protected, but so is withholding your business from such service providers.

  7. The restaurant should put up a sign that specifies what people are allowed in based on their ideas, beliefs and political positions.

  8. Seems similar to a baker refusing to make a cake for a same-sex couple, and a woman of opposing views/ethics having dinner. My hope is that we learn to respect each other in the ways we're different and the ways we're the same.

  9. Our entire world is bubbling over with hatred and anger.

  10. It is probably utopia but I think , that maybe it would be great for people to create the global decalogue accepted by all people. I realize , it is so difficult and would last for years but there are common values for all people regardless of religion or its lack . Excluding fanatisc of course . That`s my dream ...Greetings ,Maria

  11. It amazes me that the same people who were cheering the Supreme Court decision to deny service to gay people are now upset that someone didn't want to serve Sarah because of their moral objection to her. It's awfully hypocritical of them.

  12. All this service denial defies common sense. Guess we have to start carrying our passports, birth certificates, some sort of religious affiliation certification, or lack thereof might be a problem, and heaven knows what else to provide any time we want to make a purchase. anywhere.

  13. It's all very sad to watch a country become more and more divided. We have some of this in Canada but thankfully not as much (at least not yet). Whether it is political, race, sexual orientation, another comment said, I just wish we could get along. Unfortunately with 45 and his lackeys vigorously stirring the pot to keep the anger simmering I doubt that will happen.

  14. It's such a shame the way things are going in your USA.


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