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Those of us born on June 14 can always claim that flags are put out in honor of our birthdays.  That's what my father told me as a kid.  God knows parents never lie to their children.

My friend Don and I went to dinner at my son's on Wednesday night.  Kevin had prepared salmon cakes with a curry sauce,  potato salad, and fresh green beans with garlic.  Delicious.  I pretended it was a birthday treat in my head.  In truth, Kevin will call me sometime within the next month and ask, "Didn't you have a birthday somewhere around this time?" (If I was born on Christmas day, he wouldn't remember.  I accept that.)

Plenty of other family and friends remembered.  I got plenty of messaged greetings, phone calls, and cards.  My sister is taking me for lunch today and my friend Ginnie and I will go out for brunch and shopping on Saturday.

It's a big 0 birthday.  Frankly, a page I am not all that excited about turning (but better than not turning it I guess).

I ran into a woman who had graduated from high school with me on Tuesday morning.  I didn't recognize her at first and I spent the rest of the day wondering if I look that old too.  Funny how our image of self gets kind of stuck at a certain age.

Although I do wonder sometimes when I catch a glimpse in the mirror . . . What's my mother doing in there?

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  1. Happy Birthday Olga. Oh this post made me laugh. I understand looking in the mirror and wondering, how the hell did this woman get here? Or when my hubby and I see someone we haven't seen in 30 years and we think they look old. After he says something I always remind him that they are saying the same damn thing.

  2. Past that goal a while back. It is what it is and as I have seen people much younger than I live very compromised lives or even die, I am still taking it One Day at a Time. Happy Birthday!!

  3. Happy Birthday Olga! That is funny, that your son doesn't remember your b'day, yet managed to have you over to dinner that day.

    I recently saw a school mate on television and couldn't believe how much he'd aged! Yep, we tend to think we're slightly immune to that process. Of course we see the progress everyday and get used to it.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. You share the same birthday as President Trump. Happy birthday, Olga. Aloha from Hawaii.

  5. I am still amazed when I see myself in a mirror and wondered how I got to look like this. In my mind I am still my 30 year old reflection. Oh well, like you said better old than dead.

  6. Sometimes I forget I'm old. Then I remember when I try to spring out of bed in the morning.
    Happy Birthday! The 70's aren't so bad.

  7. For many years after retirement I didn’t feel a lot of change. That’s not true anymore. Time to accept I’m growing old and figure out a way to enjoy it.

  8. Happy Birthday Olga! A day late and a dollar short, as me old Mam used to say. Yes, these old bones creak in the morning (morning being until about 7:00 PM) and anytime I sit down I find myself dozing off. Where did my snappy young self go? But I'm glad to be here still, and glad you are too. :) One step at a time and next year we'll be saying Happy Birthday again!

  9. Belated Happy Birthday Olga. Oh to be seventy again. Enjoy that new sixty.

  10. Happy birthday! I don’t think I’ll ever get used to not having my red hair which causes me to wonder who that gray/white haired woman is that looks back at me in the mirror. If you’re only 70, you’re a spring chicken yet.

  11. Happy belated birthday- I was 70 in November- and my older friends tell me 75 is when it all goes downhill. So you have 5 good years left and I have 4 1/2. Let's make the best of them. PS I look so much like my mom did too!

  12. I turned 70 on may 24 and 44th wedding anniversary on may 27.. People started saying to me you look great for being 70 whatever the hell that means, so I don't mention anything about my age..wisdom is truly lost on young people and manners toooo..I am glad I grew up when I did because I like to think people were kinder and many run after things they think will make them happy and they are miserable because things just don't count..I head from my only and my hubs treated me like a queen we went to the coast for our anniversary and had a ball.who says 70 is the new 50 are ridiculous, considering one can be under the ground I say enjoy enjoy and enjoy some more! Happiest of a year for celebrating your birthday..peace, joy and love~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!

  13. We travelled to the coast and had a ball, fresh fish and lots of sun and walking and picking up agates, it was wonderful..One has to enjoy each and everyday one is on the terrestrial I say..Love is all you need as the beatles sang and everyday is just right to celebrate your 70th..peace and joy and love sent to your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Happy Birthday Olga, a few days late. Many more!


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