Magnolia blossoms
I adore having a sense of smell most of the time. I stop to smell the roses, the lilacs, the magnolias, the gardenias. I love to have an essential oil infuser working in my home. Certain soaps and the aroma of baking bread take me right back to my grandparents' house. I think life would be so much sadder without the sense of smell.
Which is not to say I don't understand that scents can be an irritant resulting in severe sensitivities.
I get sick to my stomach just walking by a candle store myself. But I would hate to live in a scent free world. Even noxious smells tell us something -- stay away.
I don't douse myself with perfume to go out in public. I don't need my sheets and towels to smell like detergent for weeks. Warm air and sunshine work for me.
On the other hand, if you object to the smell of orange or eucalyptus in the air, best stay away from my house.
I don't like scented candles. They make me sick.
ReplyDeleteI love all these smells. When I had a cookie store do you know when we were baking spiced oatmeal raisin cookies is when we sold the most and got the most compliments and people lingered more. Sometimes we would just keep one cookie in the oven when we were done for the day so the whole store smelled like it. People went nuts. :-)
ReplyDeleteI love smell too. Let me know if you see fresh baked bread essential oil!
ReplyDeleteI love scents also--of all kinds. I have a friend who is deathly allergic to scents. She can't come in my house and if we meet outside, I have to warn her if I am wearing hairspray or perfume. What a sad way to have to live.
ReplyDeleteI've read that smell is important for memory -- that certain odors bring back memories even better than visual cues. Anyway, my favorite fragrance is vanilla; but orange and eucalyptus are good too.
ReplyDeleteI like the lighter and fruitier scents. But I can also get tired of the same old scent. I no longer wear perfume.
ReplyDeleteI try not to use scented products, and hate it when people reek of perfume or especially men's cologne.
ReplyDeleteI like natural scents, found mostly outside. I do use chocolate and vanilla candles at Christmas time. But it all needs to be subtle.
I love the scent of lilies of the valley and also of roses, and lilacs, on the flowers not necessarily in a bottle.
ReplyDeleteI wish there were more choices of unscented antiperspirants, deodorants, hairsprays, makeup, and especially lipsticks. By the time I get ready in the morning I've lost count of all of the different scents I am wearing just in necessities. I have one type of antiperspirant that I buy that I only occasionally find unscented in stock. When I find them I stock up and buy several. My husband came across my stash of unscented antiperspirant, and asked me what in the world I was doing. After I explained, he still just didn't seem to get it.
I love the smell of magnolias or night blooming cereus... but when it comes to scents inside the house, I stick to vanilla or possibly cinnamon. And certain perfumes will give me a migraine, so 'warm vanilla sugar' body splash is my scent of choice.