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Stray thoughts and actions

Somebody missed the opportunity to get me the perfect gift, a life sized unicorn at Home Goods.

I noticed these snow stalactites under the table on my back deck.  I don't recall seeing anything like this before, but of course I am not always around.

Stalactites cling to the ceiling and stalagmites grow up from the ground, in case you thought everything you learned in school was useless information.

I have been struggling with bifold doors in my condo since moving in. They are on all the clothes closets. the laundry and the water heater nook. One of the closet doors, the water heater door and the laundry door were always sticking, dragging on the carpet, and looking all crooked.  I finally had it when one side of the laundry doors fell off completely.

I decided today was the day to fix them.  I didn't even look this up on google.  I actually studied them and figured out how they worked and where they were failing.  I needed one small part from Lowes to fix the clothes closet and it took me a couple of tries to adjust that one properly, but by golly, I did it!

I wasn't sure about the parts so I kind of over did it.  Lowes is not far away so I can return two of these packages.

I wasn't too sure at about the tools I needed either.  It turned out I didn't need any tools for the bifold doors beyond a bit of brute strength.  The tools were not wasted though because I decided to hang a shelf on the kitchen wall.  This shelf used to be in the bathroom but it was kind of in the way of the door so I moved it.

I put up pegs in the bathroom.  These don't interfere with the door opening.

I am giving serious thought to why I need a man in my life at the moment.  I'm thinking a self-proclaimed handyman better start stepping up a bit more, try to make himself a little more indispensable. Maybe I will start thinking I need a man like a fish needs a bicycle!


  1. THose doors can be a real pain, they need adjusting sometimes, I am impressed that you could fix them. I rely on my Mrs. C for those things, she really enjoys the challenge. I have never seen the stalactites (I always remember they have to hang on tight) form like that. Must take a specific snow and temperature.

  2. Excellent engineering analysis and refurb on the doors, Olga! I love the bath tub designs on your wall paper, and the pegs work out nicely. Well done all around.

    If I were a bicycle, I think I would be knocking myself out right now to find ways that the fish could need me. Brrrr.

  3. Love it. Who needs a man for such things. Think how much space would use in those closets. Bi-fold doors are the worst. You won. Way to go Olga.

  4. Maybe you only need a part-man?

  5. Wow, I'm impressed. Do you hire out?
    I use the same memory trick as joeh on the tites and mites.

  6. You are so funny! And handy! You are your own Handy Wo-Man.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Well my dear I am impressed. I have a tool belt (pink) and I have my own tools. Perhaps we could start a business on the side? The name two chicks with a hammer is taken but we're clever, we'll think of something. :-)

  9. David thinks he is a great handy man, but for something like a leaky toilet, I insist on hiring a plumber.

  10. Advice from a man: Never fall in love with a man's toolbelt!

  11. I see we have some things in common, similar age, unexpected death of a husband, and being retirees. I have two adult sons who bring me much joy. Let's follow each other's blogs.

  12. You are very talented to be able to fix the doors without "gogle", my go-to instruction manual for everything. LOL!


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