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Senior Center

A year after my husband died, an acquaintance suggested that I should dye my hair red and take my redheaded self to the senior center to meet some men.

I thought, "No way!"  First of all I have no planes to ever dye my hair -- red or otherwise.  Secondly, I was 66 years old at the time.  I figured I'd have four more years before I would be ready for the senior center scene. That's for older people.

Well. those four years are almost past.  I happened to walk on a route that took me past the senior center the other day.  I really don't know what goes on in there, what kind of programs they may have, but I am not going to find out in the near future.  I realized as I walked on by that in my own head I have pushed out senior status to 75 years of age.  That gives me five and a half more years.

You are welcome to leave comments, but please don't point out flaws in my logic!


  1. I'm much closer to 75. Can I push it out to 80?
    But then DJan's senior center in Bellingham, WA organizes strenuous mountain hikes, so I guess one never knows.

  2. Olga, I love your logic and I subscribe to your logic.
    In fact, I use it all the time.
    I started this logic at age 40. My hair was completely white. I said when I was 50 I would be old enough to have gray hair and continued to color my hair. Then 50 came and I thought, I'm not old enough for a full head of white hair so I gave myself to 60 because that sounded so old to me. Yeah, here I sit with brown hair with a white patch that is pretty cool at 61. Still not going 100% white. I realize it's foolish but I don't much care. As for senior centers, my husband I have even looked at the 55+ communities and everyone seems so darn old. So we pushed it off to maybe when we are 75 or 80 and we laugh. You are still too young for that Olga!!

  3. You should stop by and ask what they do. You might find some fun stuff that has nothing to do with meeting a partner.

  4. I'm very familiar with the Senior Centers around here... not because I have ever taken part, but because my mom who lived with us for 15 years enjoyed participating. They are a safe place to socialize, have lunch, play games, and enjoy activities like crafts, exercise, and dancing.

    DH and I have never joined, but only because we keep busy on our own pretty much... and are not especially social minded. And one definitely doesn't have to be interested in finding a partner to enjoy their activities.

    As for being elderly... I recently had this discussion with my friend about whether or not we are elderly. She says 80 is elderly. I think once your hair turns white (whether you color it or not) and you've passed 65, you're there... like it or not. I've chosen to like it.

  5. The only thing wrong with your logic is that you might want to wait until you are 80 to go to such a place. I will be 73 next month and I feel the same way about going to the Y and doing Silver Sneakers chair exercises. Then again, I am barely able to put on my socks because my hip is so tight, so I may have to go do those chair exercises.

    Buy a red wig before you dye your hair. That way you can keep those guys you might meet somewhere other than the senior center guessing. ;)

  6. I have a younger wife which means I have lots of younger friends and my youngest son was born when I was 52. I feel pretty young and my theory is STAY AWAY FROM OLD PEOPLE, they make you feel your age.

  7. I am active in our local senior center. In a town of 1,000 population there is not a lot to do. Besides we do have fun and we have good meals every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. My best friend who is a year older than I, will not attend with me because she isn't old enough to go.

  8. I am 72 and feel soooo old.

  9. I say go now when you feel up to the activities. Besides, when was the last time you were the youngest one in the room:)) That alone has some appeal. Our center also has cheap, tasty meals.

  10. I am 66, and I started going to senior center two years ago. I love line dance. It does take quite some effort to learn dance. I would not be able to Learn if I start at 75. Yes, most people are older than me. Most joined after age 75.
    Some old people are my inspiration. Our 92 year old dance instructor volunteers her time and effort, and she makes many people happy.
    My husband spends a lot of time watching TV or uTube, and I am happy with my senior center...real human contact, pleasant conversation, $1 lunch, free or low cost entertainment.

  11. I think you are the same age of me I will turn 70 this year, I don't feel old and I don't care who knows my age..The senior center is right next to where my husband goes to the public library, no parking and the people get into the library and take all the newspapers and magazines, it rains constantly something we live with and don't mind I am out walking as best I can each & everyday..My mom died when I was very young, my mil died at nearly 87 and was miserable for the choices she made, 9 kids no husband never doing much, smoked like a smokehouse for over 65 yeas and was generally a pain in the behind..I refuse to live like that, my hubs and I go where we want and join a group of childhood friends at the windy raining beach often or to eastern Washington for fun and exploring. You only live once but once if well lived should be enough I say..I read your blog and would love to go to Florida for a few months and then home to where you live..but sorry you are missing your never ever knows what will happen in life I say seize the day..My friend and neighbor is nearly 92 and he is not old but wise and kind his wife will be 3 years younger she is not as one just never knows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have a great week...

  12. I don't want to join a club of any kind and have to be dragged to the one gymn session I'm supposed to go to every week.
    But our local hospital cafe seems to have become a handy place to meet people , for some reason. Good coffee if nothing else!

  13. When my mother in law was in her early 80s, she told my wife after a visit to the senior center that she had no interest in going back. "The place is loaded with old bags."

    Being an extreme introvert and born an old man, I had no interest in going to the dances in junior high school despite the posters that informed me that "man is a social animal" and the message not being a social animal is that I am a weirdo. Go to the dances and the world will be my oyster and all that B.S. Yeah, right. If I had no interest in such things as a teen ager, I can't see what would possibly possess me to do so today.

    Fortunately my wife is also a weirdo introvert and we can just stay home and bask in each other's weirdness. I am a lucky man to have my wife.

    When I did my retirement planning, I chose the arbitrary age of 80 as a checkout date. You have to do all these macabre actuarial calculations to determine basically at what age will I have to start eating dog food in the dark? But when I chose that age of 80, I was aghast at the time consumed 62/80...holy hell, 78% of my life is gone. Screw that, I jacked the checkout date to 99 which made me feel a lot better...only 63% consumed. And quit worrying about dog food. Alas that was 7 years ago. Time and tide await no person.

    My most recent goal is to live until the age of 104 and to be hopelessly melted together with my wife in an furnace explosion while we are making love on her 100th birthday. Neither of us want to live without the other and oddly neither of us are in a hurry to be first. So the only solution is to go together in a big bang. I can see the possibility when that time comes of stretching it out another 5 years and another 5 after that. What is the hurry?

  14. I think if you are busy and happy...
    That said, I wouldn't knock it, many people are finding great joy in coming together with like-minded souls!

  15. You are so busy I can’t imagine how the centre would be of use now. Besides you aren’t that old. 88 to §00 is easy for active folks to reach.


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