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On Readiness and School Expereinces

So one of my friends asked me if I had more shopping to do and when I told her I was all set, she called me a bad word.

I am just not now, nor I have I ever been, a person who can work under pressure.  It's not something I feel any superiority about.  Quite the opposite.  I cannot work under pressure at all.  It's not a good thing.

I was the student who always had papers completed a week before the deadline.  If I didn't have it done in that timeframe, I would be unable to do it at all.  One time I had a research paper due for an audiology course.  The topic was Meniere's Disease. Life circumstances were conspiring against me at the time and I finished that paper that the day before it was due -- all except the bibliography.  Do you think I could sit down and whip out that bibliography?  No I could not.  I just. Could. Not.  The professor was not at all impressed and I got quite the dressing down for my lack of time management.

In high school we were assigned a research term paper in chemistry class.  I did a paper on plastics manufacturing.  I researched like crazy, including writing to various manufacturers who sent me information and different samples.  I had a stack of notes on index cards, footnotes on every page, and a quite impressive (and completed) bibliography of sources.  I got an A on that paper and a positive comment from the teacher (Miss Lemon).  However, there was another student in the class who also received an A and positive comment in class.  That girl had written the entire paper the night before, almost entirely plagiarizing form a World Book Encyclopedia.  I partly felt all my efforts had been mocked, but I also had a certain amount of secret admiration that anyone could pull that off.  I would have had a complete and total nervous breakdown if I woke up one morning and had the thought, "Oh, crap!  I have a deadline tomorrow."  At the very least I would have stayed in bed for the day and probably for the whole week.

I know that for a fact because it is exactly what I did once in fifth grade when I didn't complete an assignment on a visual display different kinds of leaves because we didn't have scotch tape in the house and therefore could not come up with any other plan of displaying leaves.

I am not a person one wants around in the event of a crisis requiring thinking on one's feet.


  1. Interesting. I don't work well under pressure either, but pressure does have a way of finding me anyway, whether it's teaching a class or making cookies with grandkids.
    I, too, am always prepared ahead of time. As a teacher I was usually over-prepared. When I was required once to have to prepare a lesson with a team in a coaching situation, I didn't wait. I went ahead and prepared it on my own and then presented it to the team. The "coach" was not pleased with me, but my lesson was good and that's all I cared about.
    I still have a little bit of stocking stuffer shopping to do, but I can do that at the grocery store and it's on my list for today. Yes, of course, I have lists!

  2. It is not pressure but the stress of the crowds that has me getting my Christmas shopping done early. I had to run out today and by the time I got home I was thoroughly annoyed. I've decided it isn't even the extra traffic (I live close to a busy shopping area), rather it is those inconsiderate shoppers who stop in the middle of an aisle to address their damned cellphones!

    It sounds like you put a lot of pressure on yourself, as a young child and adult. Do you think you've relaxed a little or do you still find yourself feeling stressed with deadlines?


  3. Well at least you aren't one of those who has completed their Christmas shopping in July. As my family is all far away now days, my shopping is mostly by check, thus on time. Kind of miss being around the youngest ones and shopping frantically for the perfect gift. Less stress this way but less pleasure.

  4. I'm the same way. I drive my family crazy because they don't do projects, chores, etc. promptly. I can't enjoy sitting still if I know I have something that needs doing. After that, I can be quite couch potato.

  5. I procrastinated and finished everything at the last minute, I could do it, but not as well as I should have...your way is better.

  6. I usually finish everything with some extra time left because I fear something will happen - I will get sick, for example, and be unable to finish the project - if I don't give myself that extra time.

  7. Wishing you and yours the happiest Holiday Season. Love Granny Annie

  8. We who procrastinate need you in our lives. I am done as well because I don't like that feeling of the last minute pressure. But in all honesty I do some of my best work at the last minute. Or do I just think I do? :-)

  9. Myearly school years required me to learn English as a second language and I wanted to be the best so I pushed myself and from that point on life just sent me curve balls and I had a lot tondeal with. I had to stay organized daily and later weekly and monthly. It was needed for basic survival.
    I loved my teaching years and ran my family life sort of regimented but had enormous help from hubby every weekday morning.
    Now I have relaxed all that lifestyle. I plan trips and special event mostly at the last minute now and we get by.
    Laundry seems to have no fixed day now and gets done when I really must do it. Meals are the same. But we do shop carefully so meals are healthy and choices are easy.
    School pushed me to plan my days. Work got done on time though I had to request an occasional extension due to a curve ball.
    In case I get side tracked here’s wishing you a happy holiday season.

  10. Good for you getting your shopping done early. I did mine on Saturday and could kick my butt for letting it go...just like every other year.

    If it is a task that I don't mind, I am pretty good for getting it done somewhat in advance. But if it is something I hate, income taxes, Christmas shopping, state inspection on the car, colonoscopies...I am pretty good for letting it go almost to the end but not quite. As such, I Christmas shop on the 16th of December, do taxes on April 7th. Not right up against the clock, but close enough it gets my attention.

  11. There is less stress when you do assignments way ahead of time. It is also unwise to cram for a midterm or final.


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