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A Suggested Holiday Schedule

Note: This schedule is not of my devising (obviously), but something I found in a Better Homes and Gardens article.

1. Pick a theme.
Not just it's Christmas -- that's not theme enough.  What is the color scheme?  Modern or nostalgic?  So many options!  Just don't get caught being so last year.

2. Craft your wreath.
Remember that if you forego the traditional greens and red ribbon you can have something that spans Thanksgiving (provided you plan ahead) through New Years.  In any case, be sure your wreaths coordinate with your chosen theme!

3.  Make candles.
Why make your own? Really, you have to ask?  Do you want to be steeped in the spirit of the season or not?

4.  Sew the stockings.
I suppose you could also knit them?  It's all about the theme (see #1).  Or take this opportunity to jump outside the theme box a bit and personalize stockings for each member of the family according to his her special intersts.

5.  Put up the out door lights.

6.  Add other outdoor decor.
Both #5 and #6 should be done with utmost taste and style.  We are not talking a yard full of plastic inflatables here.  Think topiaries, garlands, maybe icicles.

7.  Start indoor decoration.
You'll know you are on the right track if you have allowed at least five full days for this activity.  If you have special collections and treasured ornaments, now is the time to work them into your overall decoration theme.  Their should always be a touch of nostalgia to add warmth and a sense of tradition.  Keep in mind that Christmas or any other holiday does not just occur in the living room.

8.  Start the Advent Calendar.
This official countdown to Christmas day starts on December first.  [You can, of course, purchase an Advent calendar, but so much more fun to make your own with the help of small children.]  Here's a homemade Advent tree made with  wooden dowels and walnuts:

9.  Put up an artificial tree.
You are in the mood for the tree but you know it won't last from Thanksgiving to Christmas, let alone New Year's.

10.  Cut a real tree.
Two weeks before the big day venture out with ax and saw to cut your own tree.  Bypass the gas station stands.  Who knows when those trees were cut?  Frozen fingers and toes, wind chapped face, and probably the need for a stitch or two at a nearby ER, all enhance the true spirit of the holiday.

11.  Decorate the tree.
Make sure the lights are in working order.  Load on the theme specific decorations.  There are those who like more than one tree -- a tree in every room.  
[I personally suspect these people overly nostalgic and too attached to every single tree decoration ever crafted by their children and grandchildren (hoarders), but then who am I to judge?]

12.  Use extra decorations.
Decorations that don't fit on the tree can be used elsewhere.  Arrange in bowls and around candle holders.

13.  Put out the poinsettias and the mistletoe.
Support your local plant nursery and add another layer of festivity. Pay homage to the classics.

14.  Dress up the dining table.
Add a festive tablecloth and themed table runners.  Set out the candles, greenery, bowls of fruits and nuts.

15.  Do a house walk through.
Take a look all though the house.  Are there spots bare of decoration?  Make the necessary corrections now.

16.  Make your luminaries.
Lighting the path to your door will make holiday guests feel especially welcome.

17.  Light those homemade candles.
We are celebrating the return of the light.

18.  Play carols.

 You can see my reference HERE. 

Well, I don't know about you, but I am exhausted by the very thought.  And I am already sadly behind schedule.

I think I will wait to read up on how Martha Stewart prepares for Christmas and the holidays for some other time.

NOTE: I am sorry that this post has nothing to offer those who may celebrate a holiday other than Christmas, but we are, after all, under executive order to focus on Christmas.  Wanna bet our fearless leader and and self-proclaimed greatest Christian in the history of the world has a theme of gold in each of his residences?


  1. I'm exhausted just from reading the list. Definitely not the way it is in my house.
    The Midas touch? Perhaps...and we know what happened to him.

  2. I had a hard time taking this list seriously. In my home everything is the same each year. If not, my daughter notices and says, "Why is that there?" or "What happened to the other wreath?" Of course I've made changes over the years but many things stay the same.
    We like our traditions and our treasures.

  3. If I had hired help----maybe. I did smile at # 3. One year, as I was working my way through college, I decided to make candles as presents as I was really cash strapped. I made initial ones, multi colored ones, both square and tapered. All in all I had fun, was exhausted, but was able to make 23 gifts for $24.00. Also managed to ruin every pot in the house. The best part was everyone loved them.

  4. That list is exhausting. When you have kids - or are a big kid - it is fun go full out. I find a couple of well chosen items is sufficient for this stage of my life. But I do love it when I look at someone else's hard work.

  5. I have a blue Xmas tree on my dining table. I might find a poinsettia later. We'll see.

  6. I had to take a nap somewhere between #5 and #8. Perhaps I can get to the rest of the list next year.

  7. Lots of good ideas -- but whew! -- an exhaustive, and exhausting, list. We've done about 8 or 9 of these things.


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