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Road Trip

My friend Donna had a family wedding shower to attend in Rochester, NY.  Her nephew is getting married in November.  She didn't want to drive that distance by herself and no one in her immediate family could take the trip with her.  I have relatives in Rochester.  I said I would go with her.  I said I would even drive my new car.

It wasn't a long trip, but I am happy that we did it together.  We left on Friday morning and arrived at my cousin's house at dinner time.  We took him out to dinner and then sat and talked until bed time.  He graciously put us both up for the night.  On Saturday, we took Donna to the hotel where the shower was to be held and he and I went to visit his mom and his sister.

My aunt is the last one of my parents' generation left.  She is starting to show signs of memory loss, but she knew me right away -- OlgaPolga! I am so happy to see you!"

I wrote about my bittersweet visits here.

Afterwards I went to lunch with my cousin John.  He is caretaker, financial and otherwise, for both mother and sister.  It is a hard, draining responsibility.  My heart goes out to him so often.

After the shower was over, Donna and I headed back to Vermont.  It was an uncomplicated drive.  We stopped in Saratoga to get something to eat and were not home until midnight, but we conversed the whole time, examining the complexities of family dynamics.  I was certainly tired on Sunday and even took a nap (quite unintentionally, just zonked out).  Even so, I was glad I went and I feel that Donna and I are even closer friends because of that time together.


  1. Sounds like a fun road trip to me! My dear friend did the same for me when I had to go to N.O. for a family wedding last year and DH couldn't go. She drove me there and attended the wedding with me. It was a fun trip and we got to enjoy both the family and great N.O. food to boot. Friends like that are great. I'm sure she appreciated all you did.

  2. It was so thoughtful of you to drive your friend and glad you got to visit with your Aunt and cousin. Sounds like he has his hands full. The new car had to make the trip even more enjoyable.

  3. Sounds like a just right road trip. Are the autumn colors lit up yet around there?
    I lost my aunt to the throes of dementia last week. She was my mother's sister. Now only their brother, my uncle, is left. I admire a son who will be a caretaker for his mother. It's tough duty.

  4. It was good that you did the drive for several,reasons including bgetting use out of your new SUV. Intersting that Rochester takes a whple day.i tried to imagine how that works.i entervVermont from Canada from Quebec and Rochester from Buffalo NY.
    Meeting up with family and helping a friend makes it a purposeful journey.
    As for naps, I had one today. It just came. Felt good.

  5. I like driving less and less. I will be a hermit someday. Family dynamics can be draining and do usually require naps!

  6. My son was my chauffeur on recent trip. He drove my new truck and I was happy to be a relaxed passenger.

  7. You are the kind of friend I would like to have any day any time. It was very nice of you to accompany your friend and visit your own family.

  8. Sounds like a great road trip. Your cousin John is a real saint.

  9. Nice you could enjoy the trip driving your friend. Am sure your Aunt would have been most appreciative of a familiar face as those with deafness, even less severe hearing loss, can become isolated — especially when they’ve had to relocate to settings filled with all new people. Can imagine your cousin is experiencing challenging times and feelings.

  10. Very kind of you to drive your friend and it's wonderful you had a chance to visit your family.

    I'm sure your cousin finds it difficult at times to be the support to his mother and sister, but I sincerely doubt he'll ever regret it.

  11. Road trips with girlfriends are the best! I see you have new wheels. I bet the leaves are pretty in VT right now.


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