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I did send notice to blogger and the problem of inappropriate items flooding my reading list seems to have been resolved.

One comment mentioned an Instagram account being the source of a similar problem.  I don't have Instagram.  But I do wonder about Google +.  That is an account that I don't even know how it even appeared and I consider it a possible source of the hacking.  I don't use it although I understand my posts show up there and I often get an e-mail notice about a very odd assortment of people following me (with two first names, two last names, mixed up names like Smith John, and mostly wearing military uniforms.  I suspect the names and pictures come from hacked accounts.)


Not loving the news about Harvey the Hurricane bearing down on Texas from the Gulf of Mexico.


I watched the movie Moonlight last night.  This is the movie that actually won an Oscar -- after it was announced that La La Land had won.  I have not seen La La Land, but I can say that, in my opinion, Moonlight certainly deserved the award.  It was a rough subject, but done both tenderly and artistically.  Perhaps not for everyone, but I thought it was an excellent movie.


A Massachusetts hospital worker won big in the Lottery -- 700+ million.  I can't even imagine.
She said she was going to go to bed and not get up for work in the morning.  I suspect she will buy a lot of gum (she was visibly chomping gum when I saw her on the news). I really can't imagine . . . maybe that is why I have never in my life bought myself a lottery ticket.


Local news: five special educators from the Burlington school district submitted resignations last night.  Teacher in-service starts tomorrow and students are in class next Wednesday.  These teachers work with students with the most challenging behavior problems and administrative support for the programs was cut in half.  Protest or self preservation?  I was a special educator for 33 years and all I know is that it was not getting any easier as time went on.


  1. The woman who won the powerball was a hospital employee for 32 years she was only 53 and I watched her comments, she seemed so happy, well I am happy for her but I would never go on tv at all, she will be relentlessly called for money..I would have had an attorney gotten the goods as it is called..I won a small contest once and it was big to me and my family the people who jammed our landline and family I never had anything to do with was something else..I got a new phone number all my very own and never answered rude questions by nosey people looking for a handout ever..I only enter contests when I can win a teeny tiny book or something I would like and my family too..Love your blog, our school district has the largest employment of special educators I found out why, the kids are near crmininals and the educators quit after 2 years employment, they went to the university where our only attended they always leave after 2 years tooooo much drama and calling the police..they need the help even more the district pays the educators a lot but no one young has any patience for the looks like Harvey will descend upon the gulf coast..yikes..keep happy, love your blogging! I adored Moonlight, our only in the film business she sends us dvds and tells us the ones to go to if she can't get any freed dvd's for us..aloha! & peace to you!

  2. Glad to hear you got your Blogger issues resolved. I've avoided Google+ as well, as I've not heard anything good about it.

    I can't imagine winning such a large prize, though I do have a subscription with a friend. Last year we won $1000 which was incredible. So far this year our largest win was $100 which only pays for half the quarterly subscription. I can keep dreaming though. I feel for the woman who won, as she will be hounded forever by people wanting help.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I would love to hear your opinions on students being main streamed that shouldn't be. I understand wanting to put them in a regular classroom but what I see a lot of lately is special students that are so disruptive that it hinders the other students from learning. And a nightmare for some teachers.

  4. So glad you got Blogger straight. I do play but I pray fiercely that I don't win the big one. That would be too much of a burden. I hope for the smaller prizes which are more attainable anyway.

  5. When Americans let their states know they are willing to support education with taxes and support teachers instead of second guessing them, we will have a better situation.

  6. We have a teacher shortage here, and especially in the field of special education. Every year seems to bring more challenges for teachers and less support but always more blame. Not sure who;s going to be around to educate our grandchildren and their children.

    We almost never play the lottery of any kind. We forget it exists most of the time.

  7. I am glad Blogger fixed your problems. I taught English in Thailand, but really don't enjoy using my voice all day. I preferred being a legal assistant prepping for trial in the litigation department.

  8. Unfortunately many states both require that you go on TV and that yourname be announced. A few states it seems actually let you not share your name and info. As you well know, Ihave my own blogger issues. Moonlight is on my short list and I have absolutely no interest in seeing Lala land, I had thought about not connecting to Google+, but since I try and avoid span I used to require that everyone have a "handle.

    For the record., hopefully my name now connects again to my account with the new URL, lol.

  9. I have worked with estate planning attorneys for most of my life. Between them there has been 5 winners at the $100K or over range. My little dollar entries haven't won me anything but I sure enjoy spending the winnings in my head.

  10. I have not seen La-La Land but I did see Moonlight and agree that it was a wonderful movie. I also hear great things about La-La Land and look forward to seeing it as soon as it comes to television.


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