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Springtime in Vermont

My flight back to Vermont was pretty stress free.  I am happy to report that no one was dragged off the plane kicking and screaming.  No public arrests were made.

I have figured out that the airlines follow this rule: The less the time between landing and take-off for any transfer, the greater the distance between the two gates.  Theoretically, there was plenty of time, but unfortunately the plane from Sarasota had to sit on the tarmac for a very long time waiting for a clear path to the gate at the stop in Charlotte.  I made it as the next plane was boarding after a mad dash across the airport.

It was cold and rainy when I got to Vermont.  Supposed to be this way all week.  Of course my heat was at very low setting so it took a day and a half to warm everything up.  I was bundled up for my trip to the grocery store but everyone else was in shorts and maybe a long sleeved shirt.  50 degrees...people should not have to live like this! (But do I get any sympathy at all??)

It really looks like springtime though.  The grass is green.  Robins are hopping around in the yard.
Some flowers are in bloom. Trees and crabapple blossoms are budded out.


  1. Welcome back to the north! Yesterday, since the sun was shining here in Seattle, I saw people in shorts and short sleeved shirts, and I shivered. We went to a soccer game at the stadium and I was bundled up in my capilene underwear top, fleece, a wind and rain jacket, jeans and heavy socks, and I was just barely warm enough as the temp strained to reach 60.. It's 45 this morning. WE WANT WARMTH. But it will come, and then we'll be too hot.
    Bundle up and enjoy the beauty. That's what I do.

  2. Welcome back, Olga. Glad your trip was stress-free and hope you warm up soon. I really hate to be cold. Of course when it is cold AND rainy, the chill goes right through you. But I imagine springtime in Vermont is very pretty.

  3. Oh how this made me giggle. I know now that I live in the south I can't do shorts at 50 degrees. But when I lived up north that was very warm to me. Funny how that works. Enjoy Vermont. I went to a culinary school in Montepelier that the students made the meals - wonderful. We sat at the bar one day and got free appetisers if we gave our opinoion. Ah, we can do that. That was after a day at Ben and Jerry's. After that trip we had to come home just so we didn't bust out of our clothes. Enjoy - and don't leave without some pancakes and real maple syrup.

  4. Welcome back to the north, where it may be cold and wet ... but at least it's not burning! The news makes it sound scary in Florida, so I do hope they get things under control.

  5. Warm weather is on the way!

  6. Florida will thin the blood in no time. I'm just now tolerating winters after 40 years in the Sunshine state. Sure is looking pretty in Vt though.

  7. I bet the return home is always a bit of a shock to the system. It is sure pretty in the land you left to be covered with snow. Snow does have its rewards.

    I'm glad your flight didn't end up on the news. I think we all think about the fallout of recent airline news when we travel these days.

  8. Wow welcome back to posting. Yes we here in thr GTA in Ontario are also still very cool and will be all week. Trees are still not green.

  9. We flew home from Greece - where temps were in the 60s, mostly - to Seattle, where for the first ten days we had ONE day with no precipitation, though temps were mostly in the 50s.

  10. Reminds me of the first couple years or so we lived in Arizona following a move from a Great Lakes state. I chuckled at the locals in coats and I wore none, but was surprised to find one year, I, too, now needed to wear a jacket.

    You've learned the rule -- "The less the time between landing and take-off for any transfer, the greater the distance between the two gates." Funny! surely does seem true.

  11. It is raining here in Vancouver Washington quite cold, we had 3 days last week that were lovely then boom it got cold and crummy..The weather people say we will get heat on july 5,2017..We have lived here almost 40 years worst year for rain and ice and snow, we yearn for heat so we go to eastern Washington and enjoy the wine country and the arts scene there, we walk and breath in the air, we are not wine drinkers but I love mugs and pottery and they have plenty there and sunshine tooooo..


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