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Lost Time

Wow...Easter weekend coming up.  That took me a bit by surprise since I was thinking of it as two weekends away, not remembering that I completely lost a week end.

When I get sick it is as though a switch is turned off.  And then it gets turned on again and I am completely okay.

I went back to my volunteer job this past Thursday. Here we are ready for a group of 45 kindergarten kids coming to tour the horse ranch.  What a hoot!  It really was a fun morning.  I am the one in green tee and brown pants.

I also did some work around the house.  Of course, I felt the need to disinfect every inch of the place.  I make most of my own cleaning supplies,  The disinfectant I like is made with rosemary branches, a cut up lemon, cinnamon sticks all boiled in some cleaning grade vinegar.  I strain it and add some essential oils then put it in a spray bottle and go to town.

I also rearranged furniture as I cleaned and I went ahead and painted the two rooms I have been wanting to paint since we bought the place.

The spare bedroom

and the TV room.

 Only had one paint spill.  But let's not talk about that now.

I hung up the punch art sampler that I had made a while ago (it's in my laundry room).

and, for some reason I have been obsessively drawing water lilies.

I am going to an art show tomorrow so I will give it up soon enough.


  1. Gracious that was quite a recovery for you to feel like painting two rooms. Do you have condo projects in mind for the summer or do you mostly do grandmother activities in Vermont?

  2. You painted two rooms? That is totally awesome! I hate painting and we're still not done. You put me to shame. I'm so glad you're feeling better!

    1. Next time I will think of the professional painters out there who need the work!

  3. I hate painting too, so I am very impressed with all you have done since your recovery! Glad you are back.

    1. Of course I did not say about the spilling of some paint, landing right on the one spot not covered by a tarp. ACK! Nice new scatter rug to cover up what remains of the stain.

  4. Wow, you're very busy for just crawling out of a sick bed! Love the Florida-ish color you picked for your spare bedroom.

  5. Olga, I think your volunteer job at the horse ranch is awesome. Sounds like a fun job. And you MUST be feeling better to paint 2 rooms. We keep planning to paint our bedroom... and still never have. My daughter is constantly changing colors and painting at her place. She loves to paint!

  6. Holy moly, Painting?? You make me feel like a total slacker. I was patting myself on the back just now for finally vacuuming and doing laundry. My off switch hasn't flipped yet but I am expecting it any day. Know what you mean about disinfecting. I was seriously thinking about leaving a pan of grease on the stove over an open flame then going for a walk:)

  7. I especially love the colors in your spare room. You are a great decorator.

  8. You look so fit, Olga - glad you're feeling better. I like that sea foam color you chose to paint.

  9. Just beautiful! Your art work is gorgeous.

  10. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I'm a lousy painter and manage at least one spill per you are ahead of me. And if I don't spill one of the cats walks through the tray.

    Happy Easter!

  11. I've been thinking about doing some needle punching. Yours is so cute I may have to move needle punching up the list a few spaces.

  12. I must say that you bounce back super well after an illness. Painting two rooms? That would take me two weekends.

  13. I love to look at art, too, and improve my home as well. Happy Easter, Olga.

  14. Wow I got tired just thinking about all you've just finished doing. Hope Easter was a lovely one at your end.

  15. You certainly did come back full steam ahead! I can't imagine how much fun those kindergartners must have been. Bet your face hurt from smiling that day! So glad you are feeling better.

  16. That is lovely! I must take an art class or something! It's too cold to open windows...sigh.

  17. Well done, Olga. Keep it up. Have you seen Sextant lately? I am missing his visits.


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