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Confessing What I Know

Oprah used to have this thing about "what I know for sure" (and maybe she still does?).  It made my uncomfortable.  I never feel that I know much of anything for sure. But certain things do seem clear to me.

And having the news on most of the day for a few days has me convinced that those who think they know for sure are misguided and dangerous.

And I am not just talking about the terrorists and the threat they pose to the world.

I am not a Christian.  My personal religious symbol is a question mark.  Still, it is clear to me that this is my country too.  I was born and raised here, as were my parents.  Before that, not so much.  I guess there are those, some of whom are running for president of our country, who would say for sure I should pack my bag and leave.

I am not strictly an atheist.  I don't believe in an all-powerful God, but I do believe in something, akin to a spirit of Godness in the universe.  I guess those who do know for sure would say, "She is totally an atheist!"

I do understand that what I think and feel and experience in life has been shaped my soul's journey.  I don't know for sure, but I do believe with all my heart, that we are all here for a reason.  And I am hoping with all my heart that that reason is evolution toward peace--the Garden of Eden story in reverse.

Obviously, sadly, we have a long way to go.

Doesn't history demonstrate over and over that to fight hatred and evil with hatred and evil only means that hatred and evil will always win?

So what I know is not very much...but I will continue to treat people with compassion and kindness in the hope that the pool of love and compassion will grow.


  1. I have no issues with anything you said, Olga. I do believe known terrorists should be destroyed, though. Will it end terrorism for good? I don't think until Almageddon that that is possible, but it certainly can lessen it.

    But, as for closing our borders or letting no refugees in, that's bullshit. Do a cursory background check, but they are human beings and worth a shot at compassion until proven otherwise. It would've been no different than branding all 1940's Germans as Nazis. They weren't. That's my philosophy.

  2. If you are a caring, thinking person it is hard not to be angry with what is going on in our country right now. The fear mongering, distrust, and even hatred are appalling.
    I am not a Christian either, even though I was raised to be one. I recently had an email debate with my sister, who KNOWS that God is real and Jesus guides our lives and Christians are under attack. She cannot see the difference between knowledge and belief, faith and fact. But that is her choice.
    I consider myself an agnostic, a knowledge based person. I actually think I do know a few things! And what I think I know right now is that a lot of "Christians" are hypocrites!

  3. Your post reminds of two of my favorite quotes:

    "Grant, O God, that we may always be right, for Thou knowest we will never change our minds."
    Old Scottish Prayer

    "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts." Bertrand Russell

    I think the Founding Fathers were more on your wavelength. Somehow their thoughts have been hijacked by those who are very certain of themselves.

  4. Loved the quotes from Sextant. I have follow no organized religion but do have a faith that I call on now and then, usually to seek aid for another.
    However I recently read the lyrics to John Lennon's "Imagine" that was so poignantly played after the shootings by that lone man on a piano in the streets of Paris and found so much truth in his simple words.

  5. I agree with you. But, it is so difficult to deal with hatred with love, isn't it?

  6. Nicely phrased post. I like your notion that we didn't come from the Garden of Eden, but that we are all evolving toward the Garden of Eden. May it be so!

  7. So true, hatred breeds hatred, while caring and compassion creates understanding. I hope someday we'll all come to that realization.

    I don't think of myself as a religious person, but believe there is something somewhere bigger than we are. My brother calls himself an apathist, he doesn't really care and he'll find out for certain after he dies.

  8. Hates certainly does breed hate. I too loved your thoughts on the Garden of Eden. It reminds me of the idea of reincarnation...the opportunity to "get it right" so to speak.

  9. Hello Olga, I believe there is much more goodness in the world than evil, but it seems to be evil that we hear about most. When people are fearful or less confident, they try to find scapegoats - it has always been this way. Is it human nature? I came by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. My wish this holiday season is for peace and understanding. It's a big wish, I know.

  10. A friend and I were just discussing politics and wondered how we, the hippies of the 60s who preached peace and 'no more wars" could let us get to here. I don't know what I believe anymore but I am pretty sure any God would shake his head with shame at the hatred that is being spewed by people proclaiming themselves to be good Christians. Good post Olga.

  11. You reflect all my thoughts in this post. Thank you for expressing them.

  12. Oh wow! I didn't know there were so many people who believe as we do. I find the religious climate in Hawaii is turning toward Christian intolerance and that scares me. There is the constant assumption that all people believe as they do. How did this happen? I don't know. When our governor said he would welcome Syrian refugees, the backlash he got was incredible. Sigh...


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