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Art Lessons

I spend some of my hobby related money on water color
even though I have had absolutely no art instruction

I do have a clear memory of, perhaps five years of age,
standing at an easel
staring at the blank paper.
I painted a green line across the middle of the paper.

My child-like whimsy persists.

I have decided that -- most likely in Florida this winter -- I will take some lessons.


  1. I love what you've put out here so far. And I think it is a good fit for a creative type like youself. Bravo to you.

  2. You definitely have an artistic flair. Art lessons would boost that flair.

  3. You have a lot of talent, and with a few lessons, you may really develop it. Then you'll be asking hundreds of thousands of dollars for your paintings!

  4. WOW I dont hunk you need lessons!

  5. I love your paintings and the innocence in them! I think it is wonderful that you are going to treat yourself to art lessons. Before this year is out I am going to treat myself to some photography lessons!

  6. It looks like you already have pretty good control of the medium. I think you would love taking lessons. Good for you.

  7. Those attempts are lovely. I'm certain you'll enjoy your lessons!

  8. Agree, some nice things here. I wish I had your talent ... I'd even have trouble drawing that green line.

  9. You have a natural talent. I love number 2 & 4.

  10. Love that bunny. I say go for the lessons. It will keep your brush to the easel so to speak. I thought about it when I retired but didn't. Be smarter than me.

  11. Oh my, Olga! These are all lovely. I do like that bunny best though. I would love to take some lessons too.

  12. Good for you! I thought about taking lessons, but then our healthcare appointments drained me!


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