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We had a hot and very humid day on Tuesday that continued into a rather uncomfortable night.  I have a small air conditioner that sits in the window but it seems like too much of a hassle to install it and use it for the two nights, on average, that it would be useful during a Vermont summer.

We were supposed to have a thunderstorm that would bring in a cold front.  No storm, but the humidity was gone on Wednesday.  Last night the temperature here dropped to 47 degrees Fahrenheit (8 Celsius).  I would call that a cold front.

I think I should have slept much better last night than the night before.  I don't know really because I was asleep both nights.  However, yesterday morning and this morning both I got out of bed and it looked like this:

a circle of pillows.

I don't know why, but this makes me giggle.  I know I have had a restless night when all the pillows are thrown on the floor.  Only one was missing from the bed this morning, all five were in a circle yesterday.  I have not figured out what this circle of pillows is telling me.


  1. You feel safer with the pillows around you? I like to hold my pillow - not put my head on it. Now I wonder what that means??

    1. One pillow. I have my head on one and hold another always.

  2. I don't know, maybe it means you like to surround yourself with comfort!!!

  3. I have a king pillow on a queen bed because I sleep on my side and hug the lower 3rd of the pillow to me. So I get it. :)

    1. That is what I do, I need the brace for my back issues! We have a king bed.

  4. It looks like a cozy nest. 47 degrees sounds refreshing. We are hot in the high 90's and very humid here during the day and high 70's low 80's at night. Central air conditioning is getting a work out. I sleep with 2 pillows under my head and an extra one to hug and prop my shoulder/arm up.
    I agree with Muffy's Marks, maybe it does mean that you like to surround yourself with comfort.

  5. 47 is cooling off, all right.
    Are you circling your wagons for some onslaught?

  6. awww, that' s a fitful nights work by the look of those pillows!
    Do you put a fan that can blow right on you??? That helps here

  7. Yikes! 47 would be almost winter down here in NJ! You must be a very heavy sleeper to have moved the pillows around that much and not know it. It is funny, though.

  8. I've heard of drummer circles but never a pillow circle!

  9. A comforting thing or a security thing but you certainly were surrounded by soft.
    Would love a 47 night. It is 96 right now at noon.

  10. Very strange. Why do you need so many pillows? I sleep with only one, myself, but David sleeps with 3 -- one for his head, and 2 for his shoulders.

  11. You surround yourself with comfort. I think that means you are a smart woman.

  12. I think it is like those mysterious crop circles. Perhaps the work of aliens. Or perhaps it is the result of the zen of throwing things out book affecting your subconscious mind and attempting to make order of your bed in a geometrical pattern. Then again may be you toss and turn like a whirling Dervish.

  13. It looks like a cozy nest. I sleep, like you, with my head on one pillow and hugging another. Then there is a cat on the other side, one at my feet and the other on the opposite side of the second pillow.

    Hope the weather moderates for you soon.

  14. I have only one pillow but 1000-thread-count sheets and a delicious light blanket that makes me feel, upon awakening, that I've been floating in mousse. Fabulous!

  15. "May the circle be unbroken..." My dog Slim goes around the house at night and knocks all of the throw pillows off both couches. What's that about?

  16. It looks like you were cocooned in your pillows. It must have felt good. It's been awfully hot and muggy here in Hawaii. Every time I think the hot weather has broken, it comes back again. Darn. They say the trade winds will come back on Thursday... sigh...


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