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The elections are over.  I was kind of looking forward to a quiet simple supper after yoga class last night.  Surely it was too late by then for any more reminders to vote, surveys of opinions, requests for money.  I was wrong about that, but I have to say I think caller ID is about the greatest innovation of the past century. Somebody should get a prize for that.  Maybe not the Nobel, but a prize.

I worked at the polls, checking voters in.  I had to be there before the polls opened and there was already a line.  That was encouraging.   I cannot say I am in any way enchanted with the current political scene in this country otherwise. The obvious solution is to just let me rule the world but that does not look likely anytime soon.

I had forgotten what it was like to wake up and have to get busy right away preparing to go out of the house.  It was a bit of a shock to the system.  Much nicer, this morning, to sit here by the window, wrapped in a cozy robe, sipping coffee, and watching the school bus stop to pick up kids and then the parents heading off to work.  Ahh.  And doesn't a second cup of coffee sound like a good idea on this grey and windy day?

I always have plenty to do, but I LOVE being able to just ease into my days.  Nice to be reminded sometimes of what a treasure that is.


  1. Hey, I'd vote for you!! Yes, I agree that having a slower pace in the mornings is heavenly. However, that all ends for me this weekend when we'll have the two grandies for a week. There goes my relaxation time.

  2. Isn't it so nice to be reminded of what's important! Our true treasures!

  3. Bet it was an interesting day though. Our polls are were neighbors meet. Most people voted early here for election day was predicted to be a rain out. They were right. I thought the ads were over but I forgot I have prerecorded shows so they are still annoying me. Phooey. Sadly my state changed colors this year.

  4. That is exactly right. I am so glad many people voted even though my team lost. I love being in a country where people are not restricted or intimidated from voting!! And, yes, easing into a day, is golden!

  5. I'm glad we all voted, too. Washington State does it by mail. I miss the intimacy of walking down the street to the elementary school to cast my ballot.

    My team lost also, at least on the national level. I think it will be interesting. We do live in interesting times!

    I had a quiet evening the other night - no one else home, nothing pressing to do. I sat in my living room near the fire and took a Spanish lesson on my computer. It was SO quiet. Loved it!

  6. Yup, getting ready for work in the morning was always difficult for me. I prefer to ease into the day myself.

  7. I'd definitely vote for you, Olga. Yes, those serene mornings when I don't have to get up and go are my favorite.

  8. I volunteer from 2 - 5 p.m., two days a week, and I joke (but I'm not really joking) how hard it is to get up, get dressed, get out of the house and get to work ... all by 2 p.m.!

  9. I get up not much later than I used to when I worked, mostly because I go to bed later than when I worked. But it is amazing the difference between just getting up and getting up to make an appointment.

    I don't sleep well on days when I have to get up, even if I can get up later than what I usually do. All the discipline of my working life is shot new.

    Before I can vote for you as Empress of the World, I must know your stance on Fabreze.

  10. Fabreze? I will have to check out the ingredient list next time I am in the laundry aisle. I suspect it will have a list almost indistinguishable from the average bottle of prepared salad dressing. Since I am dedicated to bringing as few artificial ingredients as possible into my life, I am probably against it.

    1. I detect a certain level of snark here, with that comment about prepared salad dressings. I am willing to overlook that and cast my vote for you as Empress providing that you promise to draw and quarter the inventor of Febreze in your first year of office.

  11. Since Richard is still working we get up at 5 AM and I rush to get his lunch and the coffee ready. But weekends are wonderful! We sometime sleep as late as 6 AM and then relax with coffee and the news -- if it is possible to relax while watching the news these days.

  12. I'm with you! I love easing into the day!!!


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