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Everything changes.  This, according to Pema Chodron, a Buddhist nun, is the fundamental ambiguity of being human.  To want things not to change brings pain.

The season is changing.  I don't want it to, so guess my mood.

Even though it is still clearly autumn, it is starting to look and very much feel like November.  And nothing says winter is almost here in quite the same way as the month of November in Vermont.  The bare trees are black against the gray skies.  The sun burst through once in a while, but mostly it drizzles rain from those clouds.  The temperatures drop sharply at night and frost covers the morning more thoroughly each day.  And it is dark.  It is dark for long hours of the day and night.

I wonder at those who so readily embrace this time of year with its permission to gather inward, stay close to home and hearth, have a kettle of hot soup simmering on the stove and a loaf of bread in the oven.  They must be able to identify with Persephone.

I, on the other hand, identify with Demeter who mourns for her daughter as I mourn for the passing of summer.

Google image
Demeter Mourning


  1. Well, even in Vermont, November still counts as fall, doesn't it? But I agree, for all the reasons you mentioned, I sure wouldn't rank November in my list of top ten months.

  2. November is right on schedule here as well. Only the oaks have their leaves now, and they are quickly turning with their muted earth tone colors.

    I have an ambivalence about fall, I like the cooler temperatures, but dislike the ever shorter evenings and the green of summer dying off to the brown of winter. Yet on the other hand I also find an austere beauty of bare branches against a gun metal grey sky and the moon reaching zeniths is the winter skies that one never sees in the summer.

    Are the sirens of the Sun Coast calling?

    1. Sirens are loud and clear coming up from sunny Venice. You guessed it!

  3. This whole fall is sort of drifting past me this year, and I'm relieved. I had a flash of realization a couple of days ago -- that the trees are nearly bare now and the White Sky of Winter is appearing more often.
    I'll try to keep not noticing.

  4. Many of my friends are discussing this matter because we are all feeling the doldrums upon us. It is that time of year when we are lethargic and melancholy and can never get a grasp of the reasons. It must be the farewell to Summer.

  5. the days will get longer before you know it!!

  6. It's the teacher in us that makes us long for summer to continue. I, too, find the shorter days and gray weather depressing, but we're still in the midst of gorgeous coloring, so I'll try to be content for a while. Once the dreary winter climate settles in, I try to be content with my reading. You'll have your Florida days soon, so hang in there -- and eat more pomegranates!

    1. Yes, I should be able to find pomegranates is the stores pretty soon.

  7. I bore easily so I do love change, including fall. Having been someone who spent most of their life in Florida where the only seasons are sweltering, rainy and
    hurricane---change can be exciting. Soon you will be in the land of ho hum. Hang in there.

  8. Oh, I don't really mind, especially this year when it seemed our fall lasted a bit longer than usual. We got more snow yesterday, but now temps are to go above freezing, so possibly it will all melt again. You'll soon be heading for warmer climes- no crying!

  9. The cold, dark and dreary winters made me dislike living in New York City. I much prefer Hawaii.

  10. It is why I left Michigan for southern California. I need my sunshine -- wish I could send you some!

  11. I'm enjoying the fall colors this year, but I woke up yesterday morning in the Pacific Northwest gloom and am now counting the days until we leave for Tucson. December 1 can't come too soon.

  12. Our fall is late this year. We are still having 80 + weather. I'm afraid we will just go straight to winter. Ordinarily the fall is my favorite season.


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