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Today would have been Mike's 71st birthday.

And it is a gorgeous day.  Really could not ask for a better one.  The sky is a clear, bright blue and the air is crisp with just a hint of fall coolness.  Tonight there will be a super moon rising.

One of Mike's most precious moments was always to sit in the dark and watch the full moon coming up as he sipped a whiskey and soda.  That's what I will do tonight.

I know he will be out there watching.  And probably being slightly distressed that I would ruin his good whiskey with ginger ale instead of club soda.

Always with a book in hand.


  1. A good way to honor him! I know he's proud of your strength during this past year. BTW, the only way to really enjoy a good whiskey is straight up!

  2. Olga, my heart is with you in this time!

  3. Mike won't give a crap about what you are drinking. Just be sure to be out there with him, watch the moon and feel his love.

  4. Enjoy your communal moon dance tonight.

  5. Birthdays and anniversaries can be hard but it helps to have great rituals to share. He will be there.

  6. Thinking of you. The photo of Mike is such a great one.

  7. You are one strong lady. I hope you and Mike enjoy the full moon tonight!

  8. The special days always bring back a flood of memories. I'm certain Mike will raise to you as well, to your strength and resiliency.

  9. I know he is with you in spirit. I don't drink alcohol anymore, but when I lived in New York, I was fond of gin and tonic.

  10. It's good to reach out like that ... may it give some solace.

  11. That is a really wonderful picture. I'm sorry I am a day late but I hope it was a good celebration. I'm sure it wasn't any easy day. Sending hugs.

  12. Great picture! You are such an inspiration!

  13. That is a lovely tribute. Cheers.

  14. A fine remembrance of Mike, Olga. He'd be proud.

  15. This is so sweet. I have two blog buddies, you and another woman, who have celebrated the lives of their dear husbands. You are both my heroes.
    With MY hubby's heatlh issues I'm just on a knife edge. Whatever happens, I know, like you, I can deal with it. It's just tough right now.

  16. Funny thing happened. I looked up at that moon from the walkway of a Cuban resort and my thoughts went to you


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